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We had a quick committee meeting. Committee members: JohnBillings, RoderickAldrige, BruceKingsbury, StephenHeywood, TomButz Agenda: __Financial report__ We have 526.44 accepted __Report on Software Freedom Day__ Roderick made a report to members present about Software Freedom Day and asked for feedback and we had an informal discussion about what WLUG should be doing in the future. __October presentation__ 18th due to October, Stephen will present Inkscape. Someone needs to check the room is booked - John __WLUG server__ Need to write thank you letters. To Orcon and Jamie. __Organising the AGM__ 22nd November Need an agenda Need to announce AGM on mailing list. Mention that we are looking for new committee members. Need to figure out what to do if there is not enough to make quorom. Need to be understand processes and be ready for meeting. Email old members, contact irc people. "Wake up call" Find out what requirements are as far as membership is concerned for new people who want to join the committee who may have not been members in the past year. __Finding committee members/officeholders, future direction of the WLUG__ incorporate into email/communication about agm __General business__ The current committee agrees to increase the amount of money paid to Te Whanu Patuhi for the monthly workshop, to help pay for bandwidth. $50 for the remainder of the year. Bruce, raised Rod seconded. Committee agrees. meeting closed at 9:32 Next Meetings: [[CommitteeMeetingTopics.2011-02-07]]
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