Annotated edit history of zebra.conf version 13, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
10 DanielLawson 1 Sample zebra.conf
13 AlastairPorter 2 <pre>
10 DanielLawson 3 hostname hostname(1)
4 password YourVTYPassword
11 CraigBox 5 enable password !YourEnablePassword
10 DanielLawson 6 log file /var/log/zebra/zebra.log
7 interface lo
8 ipv6 nd suppress-ra
9 interface eth0
10 ipv6 nd suppress-ra
11 interface sit0
12 ipv6 nd suppress-ra
13 ! use tap0 if using ETHERTAP, or wan0 if using TUN
14 ! interface tap0
15 interface wan0
16 ipv6 nd suppress-ra
17 interface ppp0
18 ipv6 nd suppress-ra
20 line vty %%%
12 StuartYeates 21 ! allows you to configure [Zebra] via a telnet connection to [localhost] on port 2601 (zebra), requires password set
13 AlastairPorter 22 </pre>
10 DanielLawson 23
12 StuartYeates 24 ''If you dont have [IPv6] Support, you will need to remove the ipv6 lines ''
10 DanielLawson 25
27 To get SNMP working with Zebra, refer to [ZebraSNMP]