Annotated edit history of wmaker(1) version 3, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 JaredWigmore 1 !!!NAME
2 ;:wmaker - X11 window manager with a NEXTSTEP look
5 ;:wmaker [[-''options'']
8 ;:WindowMaker is a X11 window manager with a NEXTSTEP look. It tries to emulate NeXT's look as much as possible, but it deviates from it as necessary.
11 ;--no-cpp:disable preprocessing of configuration files
13 ;--no-dock:do not show the application Dock
15 ;--no-clip:do not show the workspace Clip
3 PerryLorier 17 ;-display host:display.screen:specify display to use. On multiheaded machines, WindowMaker will automatically manage all screens. If you want WindowMaker to manage only a specific screen, you must supply the screen number you want to have managed with the -display command line argument. For example, if you want WindowMaker to manage only screen 1, start it as: wmaker -display :0.1
1 JaredWigmore 18
19 ;--version:display version number and exit
21 ;--visual-id:specify the ID of the visual to use. See xdpyinfo(1x) for a list of visuals available in your display.
23 ;--help:print a brief help message
25 !!!FILES
3 PerryLorier 26 ;~/[GNUstep]/Defaults/!WindowMaker:general WindowMaker defaults.
1 JaredWigmore 27
28 ;~/[GNUstep]/Defaults/WMState:information about the Dock and Clip. DON'T edit this while running WindowMaker. It will be overwritten.
30 ;~/[GNUstep]/Defaults/WMRootMenu:Contains the name of the file to read the root menu from or the menu itself, in property list format.
32 ;~/[GNUstep]/Defaults/WMWindowAttributes:Attributes for different application classes and instances. Use the Attribute Editor (right drag the application's title bar, select Attributes) instead of modifying this file directly. There are just a few options not available using the Attributes Editor.
3 PerryLorier 34 ;/usr/share/!WindowMaker/Defaults/:All the above-mentioned files are __read__ from here if not found except for WMState, which is __copied__ from here. No matter where they are read from, if it's necesary to write configuration changes back into these files, user's files will be written to.
1 JaredWigmore 35
3 PerryLorier 36 ;~/[GNUstep]/Library/!WindowMaker/autostart:This script is automatically executed when WindowMaker is started.
1 JaredWigmore 37
3 PerryLorier 38 ;~/[GNUstep]/Library/!WindowMaker/exitscript:This script is automatically executed immediately before WindowMaker is exited. Note: If you need to run something that requires the X server to be running from this script, make sure you do not use the SHUTDOWN command from the root menu to exit WindowMaker. Otherwise, the X server might be shut down before the script is executed.
1 JaredWigmore 39
3 PerryLorier 40 ;~/[GNUstep]/Library/!WindowMaker/:The menu file indicated in WMRootMenu is looked for here...
1 JaredWigmore 41
3 PerryLorier 42 ;/etc/X11/!WindowMaker/:and here, in that order. Unless, the indicated path is an absolute path.
1 JaredWigmore 43
3 PerryLorier 44 ;~/[GNUstep]/Library/!WindowMaker/Pixmaps/:WindowMaker looks for pixmaps here
1 JaredWigmore 45
3 PerryLorier 46 ;~/[GNUstep]/Library/!WindowMaker/Backgrounds/:WindowMaker looks for backgrounds here
1 JaredWigmore 47
3 PerryLorier 48 ;~/[GNUstep]/Library/!WindowMaker/Styles/:WindowMaker looks for style files here (not true... it looks like it does, but you have to specify the full path anyway, it's just a place to keep things nicely ordered)
1 JaredWigmore 49
3 PerryLorier 50 ;~/[GNUstep]/Library/!WindowMaker/Themes/:WindowMaker looks for theme files here (ibid)
1 JaredWigmore 51
3 PerryLorier 52 ;/usr/share/!WindowMaker/Pixmaps/:System wide pixmaps are located here...
1 JaredWigmore 53
3 PerryLorier 54 ;/usr/share/!WindowMaker/Pixmaps/:and here.
2 JaredWigmore 55 %%%[1]''Those last two directory names look the same to me...? --JaredWigmore''
1 JaredWigmore 56
57 ;/usr/share/WindowMaker/Styles/:System wide styles are here
59 ;/usr/share/WindowMaker/Themes/:Guess... ;-)
62 ;GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT:specifies the initial path for the Defaults directory. "Defaults/" is appended to this variable to determine the actual location of the databases. If the variable is not set, it defaults to "~/[GNUstep]"
64 ;GNUSTEP_LOCAL_ROOT:specifies the location of the system-wide local [GNUstep] directory (this is useful, for example, in those cases where the system-wide location is really a network wide location). If this variable is empty, GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT is looked for.
66 ;GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT:specifies the location of the system-wide [GNUstep] directory. If this variable is empty, it defaults to /etc/[GNUstep]
68 !!!SEE ALSO
69 ;:The WindowMaker User Guide
71 ;:The WindowMaker FAQ
73 ;:X(1), wdwrite(1), wxcopy(1), geticonset(1), seticons(1), wmaker(1), wxpaste(1), getstyle(1), setstyle(1), wmsetbg(1)
75 !!!AUTHOR
76 ;:WindowMaker was written by [Alfredo K. Kojima|], [Dan Pascu|] with contributions from many people around the Internet.
78 This manual page was written by [Marcelo E. Magallon|]. Revised and [Wiki|WikiWikiWeb]fied by JaredWigmore.
2 JaredWigmore 79
80 !User Submitted Notes
81 ''What's up with this[1]''
82 %%%''I meant for this page to wrap at a sensible line length. What's wrong?'' --JaredWigmore
3 PerryLorier 83
84 ''You had a very long line that began with a space, which disables wordwrap (and displays it in monotype, it's <pre> essentially) which pushed the edge of the page out, and everything wrapped at the (now very wide) side of the page. Fixed'' --PerryLorier
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