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WHOIS !!!WHOIS NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS NOTES Files ENVIRONMENT SEE ALSO HISTORY AUTHOR ---- !!NAME whois - client for the whois directory service !!SYNOPSIS __whois__ [[ __-h__ ''HOST'' ] [[ __-p__ ''PORT'' ] [[ __-aCFHlLMmrRSVx__ ] [[ __-g__ ''SOURCE:FIRST-LAST'' ] [[ __-i__ ''ATTR'' ] [[ __-S__ ''SOURCE'' ] [[ __-T__ ''TYPE'' ] ''object'' __whois__ [[ ''-t'' ] [[ ''-v'' ] ''template'' __whois__ [[ ''-q'' ] ''keyword'' !!DESCRIPTION __whois__ searches for an object in a ''RFC-812'' database. This version of the whois client tries to guess the right server to ask for the specified object. If no guess can be made it will connect to whois.internic.net for domains, whois.arin.net for IPv4 addresses and whois.6bone.net for IPv6 addresses. !!OPTIONS __-h HOST__ Connect to HOST. __-H__ Do not display the legal disclaimers some registries like to show you. __-p PORT__ Connect to PORT. __-V__ Be verbose. Other options are flags understood by RIPE-like servers. !!NOTES Please remember that ''whois.networksolutions.com'' by default will only search in the domains database. If you want to search for hostnames, NIC handles or people names you have to prepend the appropriate keyword (''HO''st, ''HA''ndle or ''NA''me). If the ''!'' character is prepended to a NIC handle, the default server becomes ''whois.networksolutions.com''. When querying ''whois.arin.net'' for AS numbers, the program will automatically convert the request in the appropriate format, inserting a space after the string '' When querying ''whois.ncst.ernet.in'' for a string without spaces, the ''domain'' keyword is prepended. When querying ''whois.corenic.net'', machine readable output is requested. RIPE-specific options are ignored when querying non-RIPE servers. !!Files /etc/whois.conf !!ENVIRONMENT LANG When querying ''whois.nic.ad.jp'' english text is requested unless the ''LANG'' environment variable specifies a Japanese locale. WHOIS_SERVER This server will be queried if the program cannot guess where the object is located. If the variable does not exist then ''whois.internic.net'' will be queried. WHOIS_HIDE If this variable is defined, legal disclaimers will be hidden even if the ''-H'' flag is not used. !!SEE ALSO ''RFC 812'': NICNAME/WHOIS ''RIPE-157'', ''RIPE-189'': RIPE NCC Database Documentation Detailed help on available flags can be found in ''RIPE-157'' or in the help file which can be obtained with the command: __whois -h whois.ripe.net HELP__ !!HISTORY This program closely tracks the user interface of the whois client developed at RIPE by Ambrose Magee and others on the base of the original BSD client. I also added support for the protocol extensions developed by David Kessens of QWest for the 6bone server. !!AUTHOR __Whois__ and this man page were written by Marco d'Itri __md@linux.it'' '' ----
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