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WHEREIS !!!WHEREIS NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS EXAMPLE FILES SEE ALSO BUGS ---- !!NAME whereis - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command !!SYNOPSIS __whereis__ [[ __-bmsu__ ] [[ __-BMS__ ''directory''... __-f__ ] ''filename'' ... !!DESCRIPTION __whereis__ locates source/binary and manuals sections for specified files. The supplied names are first stripped of leading pathname components and any (single) trailing extension of the form __.__''ext,'' for example, __.c__. Prefixes of __s.__ resulting from use of source code control are also dealt with. __whereis__ then attempts to locate the desired program in a list of standard Linux places. !!OPTIONS __-b__ Search only for binaries. __-m__ Search only for manual sections. __-s__ Search only for sources. __-u__ Search for unusual entries. A file is said to be unusual if it does not have one entry of each requested type. Thus `__whereis -m -u *__' asks for those files in the current directory which have no documentation. __-B__ Change or otherwise limit the places where __whereis__ searches for binaries. __-M__ Change or otherwise limit the places where __whereis__ searches for manual sections. __-S__ Change or otherwise limit the places where __whereis__ searches for sources. __-f__ Terminate the last directory list and signals the start of file names, and ''must'' be used when any of the __-B__, __-M__, or __-S__ options are used. !!EXAMPLE Find all files in __/usr/bin__ which are not documented in __/usr/man/man1__ with source in __/usr/src__: __example% cd /usr/bin example% whereis -u -M /usr/man/man1 -S /usr/src -f * __ !!FILES __/{bin,sbin,etc}__ __/usr/{lib,bin,old,new,local,games,include,etc,src,man,sbin,__ __X386,TeX,g++-include}__ __/usr/local/{X386,TeX,X11,include,lib,man,etc,bin,games,emacs}__ !!SEE ALSO __chdir__(2V) !!BUGS Since __whereis__ uses __chdir__(2V) to run faster, pathnames given with the __-M__, __-S__, or __-B__ must be full; that is, they must begin with a `__/__'. __whereis__ has a hard-coded path, so may not always find what you're looking for. ----
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