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VT-IS-UTF8 !!!VT-IS-UTF8 NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS BUGS SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME vt-is-UTF8 - check whether current VT is in UTF8- or byte-mode. !!SYNOPSIS __vt-is-UTF8 [[__''-h''__|__''--help''__] [[__''-V''__|__''--version''__] [[__''-q''__|__''--quiet''__]__ !!DESCRIPTION __vt-is-UTF8__ checks whether the current VT is in UTF8 mode, by writing (and erasing afterwards) a 3-byte-long UTF8 sequence, and looking how much chars where displayed by the console driver. A message telling in which mode the console is is then written to stdout (except if the ''--quiet'' option was given). If the ''--quiet'' option is not given, the value returned is 1 if an error occurs, else 0. !!OPTIONS ''-h --help'' display version number, a short help message and exit. ''-V --version'' display version number and exit. ''-q --quiet'' do not print on stdout in with mode we are, but return the state as exit-status 1 if in UTF8-mode, 0 if in byte-mode. In case of error, 0 is returned and a message is displayed on stderr. !!BUGS The check should be done by directly asking the kernel, which is not possible as of kernels 2.0.x. As of kernel 2.0.35, the byte-mode is sometimes erroneously detected as UTF8-mode, after switching from a 512-chars font to a 256-chars font. This is probably a console-driver bug. !!SEE ALSO unicode_start(1), unicode_stop(1). ----
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