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UPSLOG !!!UPSLOG NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS LOG ROTATION SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME upslog - UPS status logger !!SYNOPSIS __upslog -h__ __upslog__ ''ups logfile interval'' __[[__''format''__]__ !!DESCRIPTION __upslog__ is a daemon that will poll a UPS at periodic intervals, fetch the variables that interest you, format them, and write them to a file. The default format string includes variables that are supported by many common UPS models. See the description below to make your own. !!OPTIONS -h Display the help message. ''ups'' Monitor this UPS. The format for this option is [[upsname@]hostname[[:port]. ''logfile'' Store the results in this file. You can use - for stdout, but upslog will remain in the foreground. ''interval'' Wait this many seconds between polls. Remember that a poll is not instantaneous, so it will slip back as the program runs. If you require tighter timing, you should write your own logger using the upsfetch library. ''format'' The string to log, including variables from the UPS. Valid escapes within this string are: %% - insert a single % %TIME format% - insert the time with strftime formatting %ETIME% - insert the number of seconds, ala time_t. This is now a 10 digit number. %HOST% - insert the local hostname %UPSHOST% - insert the host of the UPS being monitored %PID% - insert the pid of upslog %VAR varname% - insert the value of variable varname The default format string is: %TIME @Y@m@d @H@M@S% %VAR battpct% %VAR utility% %VAR loadpct% [[%VAR status%] %VAR upstemp% %VAR acfreq% !!LOG ROTATION upslog writes its pid to upslog.pid, and will reopen the log file if you send it a SIGHUP. This allows it to keep running when the log is rotated by an external program. !!SEE ALSO __Server:__ upsd(8) __Clients:__ upsc(8), upscmd(8), upsct(8), upsct2(8), upsmon(8) __Internet resources:__ The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: http://www.exploits.org/nut/ NUT mailing list archives and information: http://lists.exploits.org/ ----
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