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SNMPTRAP !!!SNMPTRAP NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME snmptrap, snmpinform - sends an SNMP trap to a manager !!SYNOPSIS snmptrap -v 1 [[-Ci] [[common arguments] enterprise-oid agent generic-trap specific-trap uptime [[objectID type value]... snmptrap -v [[2c|3] [[-Ci] [[common arguments] uptime trap-oid [[objectID type value]... snmpinform -v [[2c|3] [[common arguments] uptime trap-oid [[objectID type value]... !!DESCRIPTION Snmptrap is an SNMP application that uses the TRAP Request to send information to a network manager. One or more fully qualified object identifiers can be given as arguments on the command line. A type and a value must accompany each object identifier. Each variable name is given in the format specified in variables(5). When invoked as ''snmpinform,'' or when -Ci is added to the command line flags of snmptrap, it sends an INFORM-PDU, expecting a response from the trap receiver, retransmitting if required. Otherwise it sends an TRAP-PDU or TRAP2-PDU. If any of the required version 1 parameters, ''enterprise-oid'', ''agent'', and ''uptime'' are specified as empty, it defaults to '' (enterprises.cmu.1.1)'', ''hostname'', and ''host-uptime'' respectively. The ''type'' is a single character, one of: __i__ INTEGER __u__ UNSIGNED __c__ COUNTER32 __s__ STRING __x__ HEX STRING __d__ DECIMAL STRING __n__ NULLOBJ __o__ OBJID __t__ TIMETICKS __a__ IPADDRESS __b__ BITS For example ''snmptrap -v 1 manager public enterprises.spider test-hub 3 0 '' interfaces.iftable.ifentry.ifindex.1 i 1'' will send a generic link-up trap to manager, for interface 1. If the network entity has an error processing the request packet, an error packet will be returned and a message will be shown, helping to pinpoint in what way the request was malformed. If there were other variables in the request, the request will be resent without the bad variable. !!SEE ALSO snmpcmd(1), variables(5). ----
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