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SHOWMOUNT !!!SHOWMOUNT NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS SEE ALSO BUGS AUTHOR ---- !!NAME showmount - show mount information for an NFS server !!SYNOPSIS __/sbin/showmount [[ -adehv ] [[ --all ] [[ --directories ] [[ --exports ] [[ --help ] [[ --version ] [[ host ]__ !!DESCRIPTION __showmount__ queries the mount daemon on a remote host for information about the state of the NFS server on that machine. With no options __showmount__ lists the set of clients who are mounting from that host. The output from __showmount__ is designed to appear as though it were processesed through ``sort -u''. !!OPTIONS __-a__ or __--all__ List both the client hostname and mounted directory in host:dir format. __-d__ or __--directories__ List only the directories mounted by some client. __-e__ or __--exports__ Show the NFS server's export list. __-h__ or __--help__ Provide a short help summary. __-v__ or __--version__ Report the current version number of the program. __--no-headers__ Suppress the descriptive headings from the output. !!SEE ALSO rpc.mountd(8), __rpc.nfsd__(8) !!BUGS The completeness and accurary of the information that __showmount__ displays varies according to the NFS server's implementation. Because __showmount__ sorts and uniqs the output, it is impossible to determine from the output whether a client is mounting the same directory more than once. !!AUTHOR Rick Sladkey ----
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