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NEWGRP !!!NEWGRP NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION CAVEATS FILES SEE ALSO AUTHOR ---- !!NAME newgrp - Change group ID sg - Execute command as different group ID !!SYNOPSIS __newgrp__ [[__-__] [[''group'']__ sg__ [[__-__] [[''group'' [[[[__-c__] ''command'']] !!DESCRIPTION __newgrp__ is used to change the current group ID during a login session. If the optional __-__ flag is given, the user's environment will be reinitialized as though the user had logged in, otherwise the current environment, including current working directory, remains unchanged. __newgrp__ changes the current real group ID to the named group, or to the default group listed in ''/etc/passwd'' if no group name is given. The user will be prompted for a password if they do not have a password and the group does, or if the user is not listed as a member and the group has a password. The user will be denied access if the group password is empty and the user is not listed as a member. The __sg__ command works similiar to __newgrp__ but does not replace the user's shell, so upon exit from a __sg__ command, you are returned to your previous group ID. __sg__ also accepts a command. The command will be executed with the Bourne shell and must be enclosed in quotes. !!CAVEATS This version of __newgrp__ has many compilation options, only some of which may be in use at any particular site. !!FILES /etc/passwd - user account information /etc/group - group information !!SEE ALSO login(1), id(1), su(1) !!AUTHOR Julianne Frances Haugh (jfh@austin.ibm.com) ----
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