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SFCONVERT !!!SFCONVERT NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS SEE ALSO AUTHOR ---- !!NAME sfconvert - convert between various audio formats !!SYNOPSIS __sfconvert__ ''infile outfile'' [[ ''options ...'' ] [[ ''output keywords ...'' ] !!DESCRIPTION The __sfconvert__ tool can be used to convert audio files from one audio format to another. The files' audio formats have to be supported by __libaudiofile__. !!OPTIONS The following keywords specify the format of the output sound file: __byteorder__ ''e'' Desired endianness of output sample data. ''e'' may be one of __big__ or __little__. __channels__ ''n'' Number of output channels. ''n'' is __1__ for mono, and __2__ for stereo files. __format__ ''f'' Audio format of output file. ''f'' has to be one of the currently supported formats: __aiff__ (Audio Interchange File Format), __aifc__ (AIFF-C File Format), __next__ (NeXT/Sun Format), __wave__ (MS RIFF WAVE Format), or __bics__ (Berkeley/IRCAM/CARL Sound File Format). __integer__ ''n s'' Produce integer samples. ''n'' specifies the width of individual samples in bits, ''s'' yields the encoding and may be one of __2scomp__ (2's complement signed data), or __unsigned__ (unsigned data). The __integer__ and __float__ options (see below) are mutually exclusive. __float__ ''m'' Produce floating point samples with a maximum amplitude of ''m'' (usually __1.0__). This options may not be used together with option __integer__. !!SEE ALSO sfinfo(1). !!AUTHOR __sfconvert__ was written by Michael Pruett __ This manual page was written by Daniel Kobras ----
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