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SAFE_FINGER !!!SAFE_FINGER NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION SEE ALSO AUTHOR ---- !!NAME safe_finger - finger client wrapper that protects against nasty stuff from finger servers !!SYNOPSIS __safe_finger [[finger_options]__ !!DESCRIPTION The __safe_finger__ command protects against nasty stuff from finger servers. Use this program for automatic reverse finger probes from the __tcp_wrapper (tcpd)__ , not the raw finger command. The __safe_finger__ command makes sure that the finger client is not run with root privileges. It also runs the finger client with a defined PATH environment. __safe_finger__ will also protect you from problems caused by the output of some finger servers. The problem: some programs may react to stuff in the first column. Other programs may get upset by thrash anywhere on a line. File systems may fill up as the finger server keeps sending data. Text editors may bomb out on extremely long lines. The finger server may take forever because it is somehow wedged. __safe_finger__ takes care of all this badness. !!SEE ALSO hosts_access(5), __hosts_options__(5), tcpd(8) !!AUTHOR Wietse Venema, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. ----
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