Annotated edit history of rmdir(2) version 3, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 perry 1 !!NAME
2 PerryLorier 2 rmdir - delete a directory
1 perry 3
2 PerryLorier 5 __#include <unistd.h>__
1 perry 6
2 PerryLorier 7 __int rmdir(const char *__''pathname''__);__
1 perry 8
2 PerryLorier 10 rmdir(2) deletes a directory, which must be empty.
1 perry 11
2 PerryLorier 13 On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and ''errno'' is set appropriately.
1 perry 14
2 PerryLorier 16 ;[EPERM]: The filesystem containing ''pathname'' does not support the removal of directories.
17 ;[EPERM]: The directory containing ''pathname'' has the sticky-bit (__S_ISVTX__) set and the process's effective uid is neither the uid of the file to be deleted nor that of the directory containing it.
18 ;[EFAULT]: ''pathname'' points outside your accessible address space.
19 ;[EACCES]: Write access to the directory containing ''pathname'' was not allowed for the process's effective uid, or one of the directories in ''pathname'' did not allow search (execute) permission.
20 ;[ENAMETOOLONG]: ''pathname'' was too long.
21 ;[ENOENT]: A directory component in ''pathname'' does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link.
22 ;[ENOTDIR]: ''pathname'', or a component used as a directory in ''pathname'', is not, in fact, a directory.
23 ;[ENOTEMPTY]: ''pathname'' contains entries other than __.__ and __..__ .
3 PerryLorier 24 ;[EBUSY]: ''pathname'' is the current working directory or root directory of some process. Linux lets you remove the current working directory of a process, it will keep the directory around until the process exits. Linux will however complain if you try and remove a mountpoint that is in use.
2 PerryLorier 25 ;[ENOMEM]: Insufficient kernel memory was available.
26 ;[EROFS]: ''pathname'' refers to a file on a read-only filesystem.
27 ;[ELOOP]: Too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving ''pathname''.
1 perry 28
2 PerryLorier 30 SVr4, SVID, POSIX, BSD 4.3
1 perry 31
32 !!BUGS
2 PerryLorier 33 Infelicities in the protocol underlying NFS can cause the unexpected disappearance of directories which are still being used.
1 perry 34
2 PerryLorier 36 rename(2), mkdir(2), chdir(2), unlink(2), rmdir(1), rm(1)
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PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 8 times)