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REP !!!REP NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS SEE ALSO AUTHOR ---- !!NAME rep - Read, Eval, Print Interpreter !!SYNOPSIS __rep__ [[ __FILE__ ] [[ __--batch__ ] [[ __--interp__ ] [[ __-f, --call FUNCTION__ ] [[ __-l, --load FUNCTION__ ] [[ __-s, --scheme FILE__ ] [[ __--version__ ] [[ __--no-rc__ ] [[ __-q, --quit__ ] !!DESCRIPTION __rep__ `librep' is a dialect of Lisp, designed to be used both as an extension language for applications and as a general purpose programming language. It was originally written to be mostly-compatible with Emacs Lisp, but has subsequently diverged markedly. Its aim is to combine the best features of Scheme and Common Lisp and provide an environment that is comfortable for implementing both small and large scale systems. It tries to be a __ !!OPTIONS __FILE__ load the Lisp file ''FILE'' (from the cwd if possible, implies ''--batch'' mode) __--batch__ Batch mode: process options and exit. __--interp__ Interpreted mode: don't load compile Lisp files. __-f__ ''FUNCTION'' __--call__ ''FUNCTION'' Call the Lisp function ''FUNCTION''. __-l__ ''FILE'' __--load__ ''FILE'' Load the file of Lisp forms called ''FILE''. __-s__ ''FILE'' __--scheme__ ''FILE'' Load the file of Scheme forms called ''FILE'' (implies ''--batch'' mode). __--version__ Print version details. __--no-rc__ Don't load rc or site-init files. __-q --quit__ Terminate the interpreter process. !!SEE ALSO The programs are documented fully by ''John Harper'' available via the __Info__ system. !!AUTHOR This manual page was written by Christian Marillat ----
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