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RARP !!!RARP NAME SYNOPSIS NOTE DESCRIPTION OPTIONS WARNING FILES SEE ALSO AUTHORS ---- !!NAME rarp - manipulate the system RARP table !!SYNOPSIS __rarp [[-V] [[--version] [[-h] [[--help] rarp -a rarp [[-v] -d hostname ... rarp [[-v] [[-t type] -s hostname hw_addr__ !!NOTE This program is obsolete. From version 2.3, the Linux kernel no longer contains RARP support. For a replacement RARP daemon, see ''ftp://ftp.dementia.org/pub/net-tools'' !!DESCRIPTION __Rarp__ manipulates the kernel's RARP table in various ways. The primary options are clearing an address mapping entry and manually setting up one. For debugging purposes, the __rarp__ program also allows a complete dump of the RARP table. !!OPTIONS __-V__ Display the version of RARP in use. __-v__ Tell the user what is going on by being verbose. __-t type__ When setting or reading the RARP table, this optional parameter tells __rarp__ which class of entries it should check for. The default value of this parameter is __ether__ (i.e. hardware code __0x01__ for __IEEE 802.3 10Mbps Ethernet .__ Other values might include network technologies such as __AX.25 (ax25)__ and __NET/ROM (netrom).__ __-a__ __--list__ Lists the entries in the RARP table. __-d hostname__ __--delete hostname__ Remove all RARP entries for the specified host. __-s hostname hw_addr__ __--set hostname hw_addr__ Create a RARP address mapping entry for host __hostname__ with hardware address set to __hw_addr__ class, but for most classes one can assume that the usual presentation can be used. For the Ethernet class, this is 6 bytes in hexadecimal, separated by colons. !!WARNING Some systems (notably older Suns) assume that the host replying to a RARP query can also provide other remote boot services. Therefore never gratuitously add rarp entries unless you wish to meet the wrath of the network administrator. !!FILES ''/proc/net/rarp,'' !!SEE ALSO arp(8), route(8), ifconfig(8), netstat(8) !!AUTHORS Ross D. Martin, Fred N. van Kempen, Phil Blundell, ----
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