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PSTREE !!!PSTREE NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS FILES AUTHOR SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME pstree - display a tree of processes !!SYNOPSIS __pstree__ [[__-a__] [[__-c__] [[__-h__|__-H__''pid''__]__ [[__-l__] [[__-n__] [[__-p__] [[__-u__] [[__-G__|__-U__] [[''pid''|''user''__] pstree__ -V !!DESCRIPTION __pstree__ shows running processes as a tree. The tree is rooted at either ''pid'' or __init__ if ''pid'' is omitted. If a user name is specified, all process trees rooted at processes owned by that user are shown. __pstree__ visually merges identical branches by putting them in square brackets and prefixing them with the repetition count, e.g. init-+-getty |-getty |-getty `-getty becomes init---4*[[getty] !!OPTIONS __-a__ Show command line arguments. If the command line of a process is swapped out, that process is shown in parentheses. __-a__ implicitly disables compaction. __-c__ Disable compaction of identical subtrees. By default, subtrees are compacted whenever possible. __-G__ Use VT100 line drawing characters. __-h__ Highlight the current process and its ancestors. This is a no-op if the terminal doesn't support highlighting or if neither the current process nor any of its ancestors are in the subtree being shown. __-H__ Like __-h__, but highlight the specified process instead. Unlike with __-h__, __pstree__ fails when using __-H__ if highlighting is not available. __-l__ Display long lines. By default, lines are truncated to the display width or 132 if output is sent to a non-tty or if the display width is unknown. __-n__ Sort processes with the same ancestor by PID instead of by name. (Numeric sort.) __-p__ Show PIDs. PIDs are shown as decimal numbers in parentheses after each process name. __-p__ implicitly disables compaction. __-u__ Show uid transitions. Whenever the uid of a process differs from the uid of its parent, the new uid is shown in parentheses after the process name. __-U__ Use UTF-8 (Unicode) line drawing characters. Under Linux 1.1-54 and above, UTF-8 mode is entered on the console with __echo -e '033%8'__ and left with __echo -e '033%@'__ __-V__ Display version information. !!FILES /proc location of the proc file system !!AUTHOR Werner Almesberger !!SEE ALSO ps(1), top(1) ----
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