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Means several things.

1. Adjustment of software for different environments

Porting is making software that runs on one type of computer or OperatingSystem run on another. Programs designed to make this process easy are said to be portable. The success of the Unix OperatingSystem is largely due it being very portable.

2. BSD's package management system

The FreeBSD Ports Collection offers a simple way for users and administrators to install applications. Each port contains any patches necessary to make the original application source code compile and run on BSD. Compiling an application is as simple as typing make build in the port directory! The `Makefile' automatically fetches the application source code, either from a local disk or via ftp, unpacks it on your system, applies the patches, and compiles it. If all goes well, simply type make install to install the application.

3. TCP process identification number

TCP/IP has ports which when associated with an IP identify uniquely one end of a TCP (or UDP) connection. Some ports are 'well known' and by convention programs listen on them, for instance port 22 by convention will have an ssh daemon listening on it. /etc/services (services(5)) lists all these ports.

The best analogy I've seen for this is where a business has one telephone number (which corresponds to your computer's IP address), and then every service/person in the business has their own extension number (which corresponds to a service on the computer using a specific port number).

4. I/O ports

A separate address space to talk to I/O devices. AddToMe


Found this page for 'port wiki' search. Interested in finding out about what Wiki types are suitable for conversion to other Wiki types if Wiki software platform is changed and the content is desired to be introduced to a new Wiki style software.

Are database or flat file systems preferable to start, if this is possible? Is 'Portable Wiki' or 'Porting Wiki' a better description?

Most wiki's I've found allow exporting for backup, for instance this wiki (which is a Php Wiki) allows export as MIME files, and many allow importing from flatfiles, however most of them have different markup, so although you can get information between them, you can't easily get them to keep all the markup etc you used before -- PerryLorier