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PODCHECKER !!!PODCHECKER NAME SYNOPSIS OPTIONS AND ARGUMENTS DESCRIPTION RETURN VALUE ERRORS SEE ALSO AUTHORS ---- !!NAME podchecker - check the syntax of POD format documentation files !!SYNOPSIS __podchecker__ [[__-help__] [[__-man__] [[__-(no)warnings__] [[''file'' ...] !!OPTIONS AND ARGUMENTS __-help__ Print a brief help message and exit. __-man__ Print the manual page and exit. __-warnings -nowarnings__ Turn on/off printing of warnings. Repeating __-warnings__ increases the warning level, i.e. more warnings are printed. Currently increasing to level two causes flagging of unescaped __ ''file'' The pathname of a POD file to syntax-check (defaults to standard input). !!DESCRIPTION __podchecker__ will read the given input files looking for POD syntax errors in the POD documentation and will print any errors it find to STDERR . At the end, it will print a status message indicating the number of errors found. Directories are ignored, an appropriate warning message is printed. __podchecker__ invokes the ''podchecker()'' function exported by __Pod::Checker__ Please see ``''podchecker()'''' in Pod::Checker for more details. !!RETURN VALUE __podchecker__ returns a 0 (zero) exit status if all specified POD files are ok. !!ERRORS __podchecker__ returns the exit status 1 if at least one of the given POD files has syntax errors. The status 2 indicates that at least one of the specified files does not contain ''any'' POD commands. Status 1 overrides status 2. If you want unambigouus results, call __podchecker__ with one single argument only. !!SEE ALSO Pod::Parser and Pod::Checker !!AUTHORS Brad Appleton Based on code for ''Pod::Text::pod2text''__(1)__ written by Tom Christiansen __ ----
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