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plpbackup !!!plpbackup NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS SEE ALSO AUTHOR ---- !!NAME plpbackup - Backup a PSION. !!SYNOPSIS __plpbackup [[-h] [[--help] [[-v] [[--version] [[-p__ ''port''__] [[--port= __ !!DESCRIPTION plpbackup backs up a psion to a host system. It requires the ncpd to be running already to provide access to the serial port. The Psion is backed up to a directory called plpbackup- !!OPTIONS __-h__ Print a usage summary and exit. __--help__ Print a usage summary and exit. __-V__ Print the version of plpbackup and exit __-p__ ''port'' Specify the port to connect to (e.g. The port where ncpd is listening on) - by default this is looked up in /etc/services. If it is not found there, a builtin value of 7501 is used. __-v__ Print more information about what plpbackup is doing __-q__ Reduce the amount of information displayed. __-f__ Do a full backup - otherwise incremental ''drive:'' Specifies a Psion drive letter to be backed up - if no drives are specified then all drives will be backed up. !!SEE ALSO ncpd(8), plpncpd(8) , plpftp(1) !!AUTHOR Fritz Elfert Man page by John Lines (john+plpman@paladin.demon.co.uk) ----
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