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PON !!!PON NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION FILES AUTHORS SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME pon, poff, plog - starts up, shuts down or lists the log of PPP connections !!SYNOPSIS __pon__ [[ isp-name [[ options ] ]__ poff__ [[ -r ] [[ -d ] [[ -c ] [[ -a ] [[ -h ] [[ isp-name ]__ plog__ [[ arguments ] !!DESCRIPTION This manual page describes the __pon__, __plog__ and __poff__ scripts, which allow users to control PPP connections. __pon__ __pon__, invoked without arguments, runs the ''/etc/ppp/ppp_on_boot'' file, if it exists and is executable. Otherwise, a PPP connection will be started using configuration from ''/etc/ppp/peers/provider''. This is the default behaviour unless an __isp-name__ argument is given. For instance, to use ISP configuration pon myisp __pon__ will then use the options file ''/etc/ppp/peers/myisp''. You can pass additional __options__ after the ISP name, too. __pon__ can be used to run multiple, simultaneous PPP connections. __poff__ __poff__ closes a PPP connection. If more than one PPP connection exists, the one named in the argument to __poff__ will be killed, e.g. poff myprovider2 will terminate the connection to myprovider2, and leave the PPP connections to e.g. __poff__ takes the following command line options: __-r__ causes the connection to be redialed after it is dropped. __-d__ toggles the state of pppd's debug option. __-c__ causes pppd(8) to renegotiate compression. __-a__ stops all running ppp connections. If the argument __isp-name__ is given it will be ignored. __-h__ displays help information. __-v__ prints the version and exits. If no argument is given, __poff__ will stop or signal pppd if and only if there is exactly one running. If more than one connection is active, it will exit with an error code of 1. __plog__ __plog__ shows you the last few lines of ''/var/log/ppp.log''. If that file doesn't exist, it shows you the last few lines of your ''/var/log/syslog'' file, but excluding the lines not generated by pppd. This script makes use of the tail(1) command, so arguments that can be passed to tail(1) can also be passed to __plog__. Note: the __plog__ script can only be used by root or another system administrator in group __/etc/syslog.conf'' file: local2.* -/var/log/ppp.log !!FILES ''/etc/ppp/options'' PPPd system options file. ''/etc/ppp/pap-secrets'' System PAP passwords file. ''/etc/ppp/chap-secrets'' System CHAP passwords file. ''/etc/ppp/peers/'' Directory holding the peer options files. The default file is called ''provider''. ''/etc/chatscripts/provider'' The chat script invoked from the default ''/etc/ppp/peers/provider''. ''/var/log/ppp.log'' The default PPP log file. !!AUTHORS The p-commands were written by Christoph Lameter This manual was written by Othmar Pasteka !!SEE ALSO pppd(8), chat(8), tail(1). ----
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