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Pilot-schlep: package up any arbitrary file and sync it to your Palm device Usage: pilot-schlep -p <port> -i filename (to install a file) pilot-schlep -p <port> -f filename (to fetch a file) Description: Pilot-schlep is part of the pilot-link suite. It is used to install any arbitrary type of file to a Palm-compatible handheld computer that works with pilot-link. Pilot-schlep allows files like MP3s and jpegs to installed on a Palm device. It works by "wrapping" the file in a Palm database format that can be schlepped (ie, tediously dragged) into your device. As of version 0.11.7 of pilot-link, there is no man page and little documentation for this program. The --help output of the program does not even appear to be correct. Usage example: pilot-schlep -p /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 -i america.mp3 The installed file is called "Schlep" on the Palm. This action stores the file on the Palm, ready for later retrieval. If, however, you intend to *use* the file somehow, you'll need a utility like Filez to change the name of the file and possibly move it to an external memory card. Hint: edit your .bashrc file to include the pilot port, and you won't have to type the "-p /dev/usb/ttyUSB0" part. Add a line like this (pointing to your correct port, of course): export PILOTPORT=/dev/usb/ttyUSB0 This will simplify working with all pilot-link programs. This usage sample becomes: pilot-schlep -i america.jpg
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