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PILOT-MAIL !!!PILOT-MAIL NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS ENVIRONMENT SECURITY AUTHORS ---- !!NAME pilot-mail - transfer mail to and from a Palm Pilot !!SYNOPSIS __pilot-mail__ [[''options''] !!DESCRIPTION This manual page documents the __pilot-mail__ command. __pilot-mail__ is a program that synchronises mail between the Mail application on a Palm Pilot and a POP3 mailbox or MH mail folder and sends any outbound mail from the Palm. Not all Palms will have the mail application available. !!OPTIONS A summary of options is included below. Each option may be set either on the command line or using an environment variable. If a command line option is present it overrides the environment variable. __-p port__ Serial port to use. Defaults to none. __-h host__ Host to download POP3 mail from. Defaults to none. __-u username__ User name to use when fetching POP3 mail. No default. __-P password__ Password to use when fetching POP3 mail. No default. __-f address__ Value of sendmail(1)__. __-s command__ Command used to invoke __sendmail(1)__. Defaults to __ __-k __ Keep or delete mail on POP server after transferring it to Pilot. Default is to keep mail. __-d __ Disposition of mail sent from Pilot. Default is to keep the mail. __-m mhdir__ MH spool directory to download to Pilot. Default is none. !!ENVIRONMENT Defaults for all command line options can be set using these environment variables. __PILOTPORT__ Serial port to use. Defaults to none. __POPHOST__ POP3 host to download mail from. Defaults to none. __POPUSER__ User name to use when fetching mail with POP3. No default. __POPPASS__ Password to use when fetching POP3 mail. No default. __PILOTFROM__ Value of sendmail(1)__. __SENDMAIL__ Command used to invoke __sendmail(1)__. Defaults to __ __POPKEEP__ Keep or delete mail on POP server after transferring it to Pilot. Can be either __TOPILOT_MHDIR__ MH spool directory to download to Pilot. Default is none. !!SECURITY If the POP3 password is specified on the command line other users on the system will be able to view it while __pilot-mail__ using (for example) __ps(1).__ !!AUTHORS __pilot-mail was written by Kenneth Albanowski __ ----
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