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PILOT-ADDRESSES !!!PILOT-ADDRESSES NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION TARGET DEVICE OPTIONS USAGE EXAMPLES SEE ALSO AUTHOR ---- !!NAME pilot-addresses - read and write address book databases to and from a Palm Computing Device, Handspring Visor, TRGPro, or other Palm Compatible Handheld PDA !!SYNOPSIS __pilot-addresses__ -p ''[['' [[__-c__ ''category'' ] [[__-d__ ''category'' ] [[__-r__ ''file'' | __-w__ ''file'' ] (Note that some options are not shown above) !!DESCRIPTION __pilot-addresses__ allows the user to read all entries in the Palm address book database, write new entries into the database, and delete a category or delete all entries in the database. Once the user has executed __pilot-addresses__ the user must invoke !HotSync on the target device. !!TARGET DEVICE The default serial device used to communicate with a Palm is __/dev/pilot__. If the environment variable __$PILOTPORT__ is set, its value will override the default. A serial device specified on the command-line will be used regardless of any __$PILOTPORT__ setting. !!OPTIONS Several options exist, including... __-a__ Augments fields in address book records with additional information. The augmented information is placed before and separated from the field with a semi-colon, (;). Augmented information includes:'' category_name'' - placed in front of each record or [[____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ ] - placed in front of each phone number field. Empty fields are not augmented. __-c__ ''category'' Install records to category ''category'' by default. Normally pilot-addresses uses ''Unfiled'' as the default category. This option is overridden by the category specified in the record with the __-a__ option. __-d__ ''category'' Delete all records in the specified ''category'' before installing new records. __-D__ Delete all address book records in all categories. Obviously, be very careful with this one. __-e__ Escape all special characters with a backslash. This enables you to read and write entries with newline characters in a field or note. __-q__ Causes __pilot-addresses__ to be quiet and not prompt you to press the !HotSync button. __-r__ ''file'' Reads records from ''file'' and install them to the Palm address book database. (Use the __-w__ ''file'' to get a template file for input records.) __-t__ ''delim'' Include category in each record, use the delimiter specified to separate all fields of a record. Delimiters are specified as follows: 3=tab, 2=;, 1=,. This overrides the default delimiter of comma between fields and semi-colon between a field's augmented information. (Please note that this may generate confusing results when used with the __-a__ option.) __-T__ Write a header line with field titles as the first line of the data file. __-w__ ''file'' Get all address book records from the Palm address book database and writes them into ''file'' !!USAGE The program will connect to a target device and port, prompt the user to !HotSync, and perform the requested read or write operation specified by the user. !!EXAMPLES To write all address records in a Palm to the file addrbook.csv: pilot-addresses -w addrbook.csv or pilot-addresses -p /dev/irnine -w addrbook.csv To read the address book records in the file addrbook.csv and install them on a Palm: pilot-addresses -r addrbook.csv To read the address book records in the file addrbook.csv and place them into the Palm address book database category ''Special'' after first deleting all current records in the ''Special'' category on the palm: pilot-addresses -c Special -d Special -r addrbook.csv !!SEE ALSO __pilot-link(7)__. !!AUTHOR __pilot-addresses__ written by _____. This manual page was originally written by Robert Wittig. ----
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