Blame: pci/1540:952b
Annotated edit history of pci/1540:952b version 3, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 ChristopheCattelain 1 !! Hercules Smart TV 2 Stereo tuner
3 pci/1540:952b
3 IanMcDonald 5 See for a picture and some characteristics.
1 ChristopheCattelain 6
3 IanMcDonald 7 __I don't get the sound on my [Linux] box yet__ I don't know why
2 ChristopheCattelain 8 %%%(but I can get it through the card connector),
1 ChristopheCattelain 9
10 I use the following /etc/modules.conf :
2 ChristopheCattelain 11 <pre>
12 alias char-major-81-* bttv
1 ChristopheCattelain 13 options bttv card=0x64 tuner=38
14 options tuner force=0, 0x61 ignore=0, 0x60 debug=1
2 ChristopheCattelain 15 </pre>
3 IanMcDonald 16 on a [Linux] 2.4.26 ([Knoppix] 3.4 based) using [V4L] version 2 ([Video4Linux])