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palmtopnm !!!palmtopnm NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS SEE ALSO BUGS AUTHORS ---- !!NAME palmtopnm - convert a Palm pixmap into a portable anymap !!SYNOPSIS __palmtopnm__ [[__-verbose__] [[__-rendition__ ''N''] [[__-showhist__] [[__-forceplain__] [[''pnmfile'']__ palmtopnm -transparent__ [[__-verbose__] [[''pnmfile''] !!DESCRIPTION Reads a Palm pixmap as input, from stdin or ''pnmfile''. Produces either a portable pixmap as output, or writes the value of the transparent color in the Palm pixmap to stdout. !!OPTIONS __-verbose__ Display various interesting information about the input file and process. __-transparent__ If the Palm pixmap has a transparent color set, the RGB value for that color will be written to stdout as in the form #RRGGBB, where RR, GG, and BB are two-digit hexadecimal numbers indicating a value between 0 and 255. If no transparent color is set in the bitmap, nothing will be output. No additional output will be generated; no anymap will be output. __-rendition N__ Palm pixmaps may contain several different renditions of the same pixmap, with different depths. By default, __palmtopnm__ operates on the first rendition (rendition number 1) in the pixmap. This switch allows you to operate on a different rendition. The value must be between 1 and the number of renditions in the pixmap, inclusive. __-showhist__ Writes a histogram of colors in the input file to stderr. __-forceplain__ Force the output anymap to be in ASCII 'plain' netpbm format. !!SEE ALSO pnmtopalm(1), __pnm(5)__ !!BUGS An additional compression format, You currently cannot generate an alpha mask if the Palm pixmap has a transparent color. However, you can still do this with __ppmcolormask__ with a Netpbm pipe similar to: __palmtopnm pixmap.palm | ppmcolormask `palmtopnm -transparent pixmap.palm`__ !!AUTHORS This program was originally written as Tbmptopnm.c, by Ian Goldberg. It was heavily modified by Bill Janssen to add color, compression, and transparency function. Copyright 1995-2001 by Ian Goldberg and Bill Janssen. ----
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