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OPENVT !!!OPENVT NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION NOTE EXAMPLES SEE ALSO AUTHOR ---- !!NAME openvt - start a program on a new virtual terminal (VT). !!SYNOPSIS __openvt__ [[-c vtnumber] [[-s] [[-u] [[-l] [[-v] [[--] command command_options !!DESCRIPTION __openvt__ will find the first available VT, and run on it the given __command__ with the given __command options__, standard input, output and error are directed to that terminal. The current search path ($PATH) is used to find the requested command. If no command is specified then the environment variable $SHELL is used. __OPTIONS__ ''-c vtnumber'' Use the given VT number and not the first available. Note you must have write access to the supplied VT for this to work. ''-s'' Switch to the new VT when starting the command. The VT of the new command will be made the new current VT. ''-u'' Figure out the owner of the current VT, and run login as that user. Suitable to be called by init. Shouldn't be used with -c or -l. ''-l'' Make the command a login shell. A - is prepended to the name of the command to be executed. ''-v'' Be a bit more verbose. ''-w'' wait for command to complete. If -w and -s are used together then __openvt__ will switch back to the controlling terminal when the command completes. ''--'' end of options to __openvt__. !!NOTE If __openvt__ is compiled with a POSIX (Gnu) getopt() and you wish to set options to the command to be run, then you must supply the end of options -- flag before the command. !!EXAMPLES __openvt__ can be used to start a shell on the next free VT, by using the command: ''openvt bash'' To start the shell as a login shell, use: ''openvt -l bash'' To get a long listing you must supply the -- separator: ''openvt -- ls -l'' !!SEE ALSO chvt(1), doshell(8), login(1). !!AUTHOR Jon Tombs -w idea from ----
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