Annotated edit history of nscd(8) version 3 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
2 DanielSterling 1 Briefly, nscd is a daemon which handles passwd, group and host lookups for running programs and caches the results for the next query. You should use nscd only if you use slow Services like LDAP, NIS or NIS+
1 perry 3 ----
4 __NAME__
6 nscd - name service caching daemon
3 JohnMcPherson 7
1 perry 8 __SYNOPSIS__
3 JohnMcPherson 10 nscd [[OPTION...]
1 perry 11
15 Nscd caches libc-issued requests to the Name Service. If
16 retrieving NSS data is fairly expensive, nscd is able to
17 speed up consecutive access to the same data dramatically
18 and increase overall system performance. Nscd should be run
19 at boot time by /etc/init.d/nscd.
3 JohnMcPherson 20
1 perry 21 __OPTIONS__
3 JohnMcPherson 22 ;-d, --debug: Do not fork and display messages on the current tty.
23 ;-f, --config-file NAME: Read configuration data from NAME.
24 ;-g, --statistic: Print current configuration statistic.
25 ;-i, --invalidate TABLE: Invalidate the specified TABLE, i. e. forget all data cached therein. This should be used if the database storing this information has been changed.
26 ;-K, --shutdown: Quit a running nscd process.
27 ;-S, --secure TABLE: Use a separate cache for each user.
28 ;-t, --nthreads NUMBER: Start NUMBER threads. The number of threads started denotes that maximum number of requests that can be handled simultaneously. The default is set in the configuration file. (See nscd.conf(5).)
29 ;-?, --help: Print a short help list.
30 ;--usage: Print a short usage message.
31 ;-V, --version: Print program version.
1 perry 32
34 __FILES__
3 JohnMcPherson 36 ;/etc/nscd.conf: Nscd configuration file. See nscd.conf(5) for more information.
37 ;/etc/nsswitch.conf: Name Service Switch configuration. See nsswitch.conf(5) for more information.
1 perry 38
3 JohnMcPherson 39 __SEE ALSO__
1 perry 40
3 JohnMcPherson 41 GNU C Library info file, nscd.conf(5), nsswitch.conf(5)
1 perry 42
44 GNU C Library 2.2 January 07, 2001
45 ----
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