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netpbm !!!netpbm NAME DESCRIPTION The Netpbm Formats Implied Format Conversion The Netpbm Programs Common Options The Netpbm Libraries HISTORY AUTHOR ---- !!NAME netpbm - package of graphics manipulation programs and libraries !!DESCRIPTION __Netpbm__ is a package of graphics programs and programming libraries. There are over 220 separate programs in the package, most of which have pnmscale__ and __giftopnm__. For example, you might use __pnmscale__ to shrink an image by 10%. Or use __pnmcomp__ to overlay one image on top of another. Or use __pbmtext__ to create an image of text. Or reduce the number of colors in an image with __ppmquant__. !!The Netpbm Formats All of the programs work with a set of graphics formats called the pbm__(5), pgm(5), ppm(5), and pam(5). The first three of these are sometimes known generically as __pnm__. Many of the Netpbm programs convert from a Netpbm format to another format or vice versa. This is so you can use the Netpbm programs to work on graphics of any format. It is also common to use a combination of Netpbm programs to convert from one non-Netpbm format to another non-Netpbm format. Netpbm has converters for over 80 graphics formats, and as a package Netpbm lets you do more graphics format conversions than any other computer graphics facility. The Netpbm formats are all raster formats, i.e. they describe an image as a matrix of rows and columns of pixels. In the PBM format, the pixels are black and white. In the PGM format, pixels are shades of gray. In the PPM format, the pixels are in full color. The PAM format is more sophisticated. A replacement for all three of the other formats, it can represent matrices of general data including but not limited to black and white, grayscale, and color images. Programs designed to work with PBM images have All Netpbm programs designed to read PGM images see PBM images as if they were PGM too. All Netpbm programs designed to read PPM images see PGM and PBM images as if they were PPM. See the section Programs that have pnmtogif__ creates a black and white GIF output image if its input is PBM or PGM, but a color GIF output image if its input is PPM. And __pnmscale__ produces an output image of the same format as the input. A __ppmscale__ program would read all three PNM input formats, but would see them all as PPM and would always generate PPM output. If it seems wasteful to you to have three separate PNM formats, be aware that there is a historical reason for it. In the beginning, there were only PBMs. PGMs came later, and then PPMs. Much later came PAM, which realizes the possibility of having just one aggregate format. The formats are described in the man pages pbm(5), pgm(5), ppm(5), and pam(5), !!Implied Format Conversion A program that uses the PGM library to read an image can read a PBM image as well as a PGM image. The program sees the PBM image as if it were the equivalent PGM image, with a maxval of 255. A program that uses the PPM library to read an image can read a PGM image as well as a PPM image and a PBM image as well as a PGM image. The program sees the PBM or PGM image as if it were the equivalent PPM image, with a maxval of 255 in the PBM case and the same maxval as the PGM in the PGM case. !!The Netpbm Programs The Netpbm programs are generally useful run by a person from a command shell, but are also designed to be used by programs. A common characteristic of Netpbm programs is that they are simple, fundamental building blocks. They are most powerful when stacked in pipelines. Netpbm programs do not use graphical user interfaces (in fact, none of them display graphics at all) and do not seek input from a user. Each of these programs has its own man page. !!Common Options There are a few options that are present on all programs that are based on the Netpbm libraries, including virtually all Netpbm programs. These are not mentioned in the individual man pages for the programs. __-quiet__ Suppress all informational messages that would otherwise be issued to Standard Error. (To be precise, this only works to the extent that the program in question implements the Netpbm convention of issuing all informational messages via the __pm_message()__ service of the Netpbm libraries). __-version__ Instead of doing anything else, report the version of the __libpbm__ library linked with the program (it may have been linked statically into the program, or dynamically linked at run time). Normally, the Netpbm programs and the libraries are installed at the same time, so this tells you the version of the program and all the other Netpbm libraries and files it uses as well. Here is a directory of the Netpbm programs. You can also use __man -k__ to search for a program that does what you want. __Converters__ __ppmtompeg__ convert series of PPM frames to an MPEG movie __jpegtopnm__ convert JFIF/JPEG/EXIF file to Netpbm format __pnmtojpeg__ convert PPM to JPEG/JFIF/EXIF format __anytopnm__ convert any graphics format to Netpbm format __bmptoppm__ convert Windows or OS/2 Bitmap file to PPM __ppmtobmp__ convert PPM to Windows or OS/2 Bitmap file __winicontoppm__ convert Windows icon file to PPM __ppmtowinicon__ convert PPM to Windows icon file __giftopnm__ convert GIF to portable anymap __ppmtogif__ convert PPM to GIF __pnmtopng__ convert Netpbm format to Portable Network Graphics __pngtopnm__ convert PNG (Portable Network Graphics) to Netpbm formats __palmtopnm__ convert Palm pixmap to Netpbm formats __pnmtopalm__ convert Netpbm formats to Palm pixmap __jbigtopbm__ convert JBIG BIE (compressed bitmap) to PBM __pbmtojbig__ convert PBM to JBIG BIE (compressed bitmap) __pnmtofiasco__ convert Netpbm image to Fiasco (wfa) highly compressed format __fiascotopnm__ convert Fiasco (wfa) highly compressed format to Netpbm image __hpcdtoppm__ convert photo CD to PPM __pbmtonokia__ convert PBM to Nokia Smart Messaging Format (SMF) __pbmtowbmp__ convert PBM to WAP (Wireless App Protocol) Wireless Bitmap __wbmptopbm__ convert WAP (Wireless App Protocol) Wireless Bitmap to PBM __neotoppm__ convert Atari Neochrome (.neo) image to PPM __ppmtoneo__ convert PPM image to Atari Neochrome (.neo) __pbmtomda__ convert from PBM to Microdesign (for Amstrad PCWs) __mdatopbm__ convert from Microdesign (for Amstrad PCWs) to PBM __atktopbm__ convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to PBM __pbmtoatk__ convert PBM to Andrew Toolkit raster object __brushtopbm__ convert Xerox doodle brushes to PBM __cmuwmtopbm__ convert CMU window manager format to PBM __g3topbm__ convert Group 3 FAX to PBM __pbmtog3__ convert PBM to Group 3 FAX __icontopbm__ convert Sun icon to PBM __pbmtoicon__ convert PBM to Sun icon __gemtopnm__ convert GEM .img format to PBM or pixmap __macptopbm__ convert !MacPaint to PBM __pbmtomacp__ convert PBM to !MacPaint __mgrtopbm__ convert MGR format to PBM __pbmtomgr__ convert PBM to MGR format __pi3topbm__ convert Atari Degas .pi3 to PBM __pbmtopi3__ convert PBM to Atari Degas .pi3 __xbmtopbm__ convert X10 or X11 bitmap to PBM __pbmtoxbm__ convert PBM to X11 bitmap __pbmtox10bm__ convert PBM to X10 bitmap __ybmtopbm__ convert Bennet Yee __pbmtoybm__ convert PBM into Bennet Yee __pbmto10x__ convert PBM to Gemini 10x printer graphics __pbmtoascii__ convert PBM to ASCII graphic form __asciitopgm__ convert ASCII character graphics to PGM __pbmtobbnbg__ convert PBM to BBN !BitGraph graphics __pbmtocmuwm__ convert PBM to CMU window manager format __pbmtoepson__ convert PBM to Epson printer graphics __pbmtogem__ convert PBM into GEM .img file __pbmtogo__ convert PBM to !GraphOn graphics __pbmtolj__ convert PBM to HP !LaserJet black and white graphics __ppmtolj__ convert PPM to HP !LaserJet color graphics (PCL) __pjtoppm__ convert HP !PaintJet file to PPM __ppmtopj__ convert PPM to HP !PaintJet file __thinkjettopbm__ convert HP Thinkjet printer stream to PBM __pbmtoplot__ convert PBM into Unix plot(5) file __pbmtoptx__ convert PBM to Printronix graphics __pbmtozinc__ convert PBM to Zinc Interface Library icon __fitstopnm__ convert FITS format to portable anymap __pnmtofits__ convert Netpbm formats to FITS format __fstopgm__ convert Usenix !FaceSaver(tm) format to PGM __pgmtofs__ convert PGM to Usenix !FaceSaver(tm) format __hipstopgm__ convert HIPS format to PGM __lispmtopgm__ convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into PGM format __pgmtolispm__ convert PGM into Lisp Machine format __pnmtops__ convert Netpbm formats to Postscript __pstopnm__ convert Postscript to Netpbm formats __psidtopgm__ convert !PostScript __pbmtolps__ convert PBM image to Postscript using lines __pbmtoepsi__ convert a PBM image to encapsulated Postscript preview bitmap __pbmtopsg3__ convert PBM images to Postscript using G3 fax compression. __rawtopgm__ convert raw grayscale bytes to PGM __pgmtopbm__ convert PGM to PBM __gouldtoppm__ convert Gould scanner file to PPM __ilbmtoppm__ convert IFF ILBM to PPM __ppmtoilbm__ convert PPM to IFF ILBM __imgtoppm__ convert Img-whatnot to PPM __mtvtoppm__ convert MTV ray-tracer output to PPM __pcxtoppm__ convert PC Paintbrush format to PPM __pgmtoppm__ colorize a portable graymap into a PPM __pi1toppm__ convert Atari Degas .pi1 to PPM __ppmtopi1__ convert PPM to Atari Degas .pi1 __picttoppm__ convert Macintosh PICT to PPM __ppmtopict__ convert PPM to Macintosh PICT __qrttoppm__ convert QRT ray-tracer output to PPM __rawtoppm__ convert raw RGB bytes to PPM __sldtoppm__ convert an AutoCAD slide file into a PPM __spctoppm__ convert Atari compressed Spectrum to PPM __sputoppm__ convert Atari uncompressed Spectrum to PPM __tgatoppm__ convert !TrueVision Targa file to PPM __ppmtotga__ convert PPM to !TrueVision Targa file __ximtoppm__ convert Xim to PPM __xpmtoppm__ convert XPM format to PPM __ppmtoxpm__ convert PPM to XPM format __yuvtoppm__ convert Abekas YUV format to PPM __eyuvtoppm__ convert Encoder/Berkeley YUV format to PPM __ppmtoeyuv__ convert PPM to Encoder/Berkeley YUV format __ppmtoyuv__ convert PPM to Abekas YUV format __ppmtoyuvsplit__ convert PPM to 3 subsampled raw YUV files __yuvsplittoppm__ merge 3 subsampled raw YUV files to one PPM __ppmtoacad__ convert PPM to AutoCAD database or slide __ppmtoicr__ convert PPM to NCSA ICR graphics __ppmtopcx__ convert PPM to PC Paintbrush format __ppmtopgm__ convert PPM to portable graymap __ppmtopuzz__ convert PPM to X11 __rasttopnm__ convert Sun raster file to Netpbm formats __pnmtorast__ convert Netpbm formats to Sun raster file __tifftopnm__ convert TIFF file to portable anymap __pnmtotiff__ convert Netpbm formats to TIFF RGB file __pnmtotiffcmyk__ convert Netpbm formats to TIFF CMYK file __xwdtopnm__ convert X10 or X11 window dump to Netpbm formats __pnmtoxwd__ convert Netpbm formats to X11 window dump __pnmtoplainpnm__ convert regular Netpbm format image into plain Netpbm format __pbmtopgm__ convert PBM file to PGM by averaging areas __411toppm__ convert 411 (Sony Mavica) to PPM __ppmtosixel__ convert PPM to DEC sixel format __ppmtouil__ convert PPM to Motif UIL icon file __sbigtopgm__ convert Santa Barbara Instrument Group CCD file to PGM __vidtoppm__ convert Parallax XVideo JPEG to sequence of PPM files __pnmtorle__ convert PNM to Utah Raster Toolkit (urt/rle) file __rletopnm__ convert Utah Raster Toolkit (urt/rle) file to PNM __ppmtoleaf__ convert PPM to Interleaf __leaftoppm__ convert Interleaf to PPM __bioradtopgm__ convert Biorad confocal image to PGM __pbmtoln03__ convert PGM image to Dec LN03+ Sixel image __pbmtopk__ convert PBM image to packed format (PK) font __pktopbm__ convert packed format (PK) font to PBM image __Image Generators__ All of these generate Netpbm format output. __pbmmake__ create a blank PBM image of a specified size __ppmmake__ create a PPM image of a specified size and color __pgmramp__ generate a grayscale ramp __ppmpat__ create a pretty PPM image __ppmrainbow__ create a spectrum-like image with colors fading together. __pgmnoise__ create a PGM image of white noise __pbmtext__ render text into a PBM image __pbmupc__ create a Universal Product Code PBM image __ppmcie__ generate a CIE color map PPM image __pbmpage__ create a printer test pattern page in PBM format __Image Editors__ All of these work on the Netpbm formats __ppmlabel__ Add text to an image __pnmshadow__ add a shadow to an image so it looks like it's floating __ppmbrighten__ brighten or dim an image -- change saturation and value __ppmdim__ dim an image - different way from ppmbrighten __pbmreduce__ reduce a PBM N times, using Floyd-Steinberg __pgmnorm__ normalize contrast in a PGM image __ppmnorm__ normalize contrast in a PPM image __pbmpscale__ enlarge a PBM image with edge smoothing __pnmscale__ scale an image with high precision __pnmscalefixed__ scale an image quickly with low precision __ppmdither__ ordered dither for color images __ppmquant__ quantize colors in an image down to a specified number __ppmquantall__ quantize colors down to a specified number on many files __ppmrelief__ run a Laplacian Relief filter on a PPM __pnmarith__ perform arithmetic on two images __pnmcat__ concatenate images __pnmpad__ add borders to an image __pnmcomp__ create composite (overlay) of images __ppmmix__ mix (overlay) two images. __pnmcrop__ crop all like-colored borders off an image __pnmcut__ select a rectangular region from an image __pnmdepth__ change the maxval in an image __pnmenlarge__ enlarge an image N times __pnmflip__ perform one or more flip operations on an image __pnminterp__ scale up an image by interpolating between pixels __pnminterp-gen__ scale by non-integer values using pnminterp and pnmscale __pnminvert__ invert an image __pnmgamma__ perform gamma correction on an image __pnmmargin__ add a margin to an image __pnmpaste__ paste a rectangle into an image __pnmrotate__ rotate an image __pnmshear__ shear an image __pnmsmooth__ smooth am image __pnmtile__ replicate an image into a specified size __pbmclean__ remove lone pixels (snow) from a PBM image __pnmalias__ antialias an image __ppmchange__ change all of one color to another in PPM image __ppmshift__ shift lines of PPM image left or right a random amount __ppmspread__ move pixels of PPM image a random amount __pnmconvol__ general MxN convolution on an image __rgb3toppm__ combine three portable graymaps into one PPM __ppmtorgb3__ separate a PPM into three portable graymaps __pbmlife__ apply Conway's rules of Life to a PBM image __ppmdist__ map colors to high contrast grayscales arbitrarily __ppmntsc__ adjust colors so they are legal for NTSC or PAL television __Image Analyzers__ These all work on the Netpbm formats as input. __pnmfile__ describe an image's vital characteristics __pnmpsnr__ measure difference between two images __pgmedge__ edge-detect a PGM image __pgmenhance__ edge-enhance a PGM image __pgmslice__ print grayscale values for a row or column of a PGM image __pgmtexture__ calculate textural features on a PGM image __pgmhist__ print a histogram of the values in a PGM image __ppmhist__ print a histogram of a PPM __ppmtomap__ generate a map of all colors in an image __Miscellaneous__ __pbmmask__ create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap __ppmcolormask__ create mask of areas of a certain color in an image __pnmsplit__ split a multi-image Netpbm file into multiple 1-image files __pnmindex__ build a visual index of a bunch of Netpbm images __pcdindex__ build a visual index of a photo CD from PCD overview file __pnmmontage__ build multiple Netpbm images into a single montage image __pgmbentley__ Bentleyize a PGM image __pgmcrater__ create cratered terrain by fractal forgery __pamoil__ turn a PNM or PAM image into an oil painting __ppmforge__ fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies __pgmkernel__ generate a convolution kernel __ppmtv__ Make an image lined so it looks like an old TV __pbmto4425__ Display PBM image on AT __Uncatalogued As Yet__ __pnmhisteq__ __pnmhistmap__ __pnmnlfilt__ __pnmtoddif__ __pnmtosgi__ __pnmtosir__ __ppm3d__ __ppmflash__ __ppmqvga__ __ppmtomitsu__ __ppmtopjxl__ __sgitopnm__ __sirtopnm__ __spottopgm__ __xvminitoppm__ __zeisstopnm__ !!The Netpbm Libraries The Netpbm programming libraries, libpbm(3), libpgm(3), libppm(3), and libpnm(3), make it easy to write programs that manipulate graphic images. Their main function is to read and write files in the Netpbm format, and because the Netpbm package contains converters for all the popular graphics formats, if your program reads and writes the Netpbm formats, you can use it with any formats. But the libraries also contain some utility functions, such as character drawing and RGB/YCrCb conversion. The libraries have the conventional C linkage. Virtually all programs in the Netpbm package are based on the Netpbm libraries. __Application Notes__ As a collection of primitive tools, the power of Netpbm is multiplied by the power of all the other unix tools you can use with them. These notes remind you of some of the more useful ways to do this. Often, when people want to add high level functions to the Netpbm tools, they have overlooked some existing tool that, in combination with Netpbm, already does it. Often, you need to apply some conversion or edit to a whole bunch of files. As a rule, Netpbm programs take one input file and produce one output file, usually on Standard Output. This is for flexibility, since you so often have to pipeline many tools together. Here is an example of a shell command to convert all your of PNG files (named *.png) to JPEG files named *.jpg: __for i in *.png; do pngtopnm $i | ppmtojpeg __ Or you might just generate a stream of individual shell commands, one per file, with awk or perl. Here's how to brighten 30 YUV images that make up one second of a movie, keeping the images in the same files: __ls *.yuv .br | perl -ne 'chomp; print yuvtoppm $_ | ppmbrighten -v 100 | ppmtoyuv mv tmp$$.yuv $_0 ' .br | sh__ The tools __find__ (with the __-exec__ option) and __xargs__ are also useful for simple manipulation of groups of files. Some shells' abc.png__. Try: __printcmyk __ It works in the other direction too, if you have a program that makes you name its output file and you want the output to go through a Netpbm tool. __Other Graphics Software__ Netpbm contains primitive building blocks. It certainly is not a complete graphics library. The first thing you will need to make use of any of these tools is a viewer. __zgv__ is a good viewer to use on a GNU/Linux system with the SVGALIB graphics display driver library. You can find __zgv__ at __ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/viewers/svga .__ __zgv__ even has a feature in it wherein you can visually crop an image and write an output file of the cropped image using __pnmcut__. See the __-s__ option to __zgv__. For the X inclined, there is also __xzgv__. See __ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/graphics/viewers/X__. __xloadimage__ and its extension __xli__ are also common ways to display a graphic image in X. __!ImageMagick__ is like a visual version of Netpbm. Using the X/Window system on Unix, you can do basic editing of images and lots of format conversions. The package does include at least some non-visual tools. Convert, Mogrify, Montage, and Animate are popular programs from the __!ImageMagick__ package. __!ImageMagick__ runs on Unix, Windows, Windows NT, Macintosh, and VMS. The Gimp is a visual image editor for Unix and X, in the same category as the more famous, less capable, and much more expensive Adobe Photoshop, etc. for Windows. See __http://www.gimp.org__. The __file__ program looks at a file and tells you what kind of file it is. It recognizes most of the graphics formats with which Netpbm deals, so it is pretty handy for graphics work. Netpbm's __anytopnm__ program depends on __file.__ See __ftp://ftp.astron.com/pub/file__. The Utah Raster Toolkit serves a lot of the same purpose as Netpbm, but without the emphasis on format conversions. This package is based on the RLE format, which you can convert to and from the Netpbm formats. __http://www.cs.utah.edu/research/projects/alpha1/urt.html__ gives some information on the Utah Raster Toolkit, but does not tell where to get it. There are some Netpbm-like graphics tools distributed by the Army High Performance Computing Research Center at __http://www.arc.umn.edu/gvl-software/media-tools.html__. These operate directly on non-Netpbm format images, so they aren't included in the Netpbm package. However, you can use them with any image format by using the Netpbm format converters. __Ivtools__ is a suite of free X Windows drawing editors for Postscript, Tex, and web graphics production, as well as an embeddable and extendable vector graphic shell. It uses the Netpbm facilities. See __http://www.ivtools.org__. __Ilib__ is a C subroutine library with functions for adding text to an image (as you might do at a higher level with __pbmtext__, __pnmcomp__, etc.). It works with Netpbm input and output. Find it at __http://www.radix.net/~cknudsen/Ilib__. Netpbm also includes character drawing functions in the __libppm__ library, but they do not have as fancy font capabilities (see __ppmlabel__ for an example of use of the Netpbm character drawing functions). __pnm2ppa__ converts to HP's __pbmtoppa__ and handles, notably, color. However, it is more of a printer driver than a Netpbm-style primitive graphics building block. See __http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=1322__. The program __morph__ morphs one image into another. It uses Targa format images, but you can use __tgatoppm__ and __ppmtotga__ to deal with that format. You have to use the graphical (X/Tk) Xmorph to create the mesh files that you must feed to __morph__. __morph__ is part of the Xmorph package. See __http://www.colorado-research.com/~gourlay/software/Graphics/Xmorph__. To create an animated GIF, or extract a frame from one, use __gifsicle__. __gifsicle__ converts between animated GIF and still GIF, and you can use __ppmtogif__ and __giftopnm__ to connect up to all the Netpbm utilities. See __http://www.lcdf.org/gifsicle__. To convert an image of text to text (optical character recongition - OCR), use __gocr__ (think of it as an inverse of __pbmtext__). See __http://altmark.nat.uni-magdeburg.de/~jschulen/ocr/__. __http://schaik.com/pngsuite__ contains a PNG test suite -- a whole bunch of PNG images exploiting the various features of the PNG format. Another version of __pnmtopng__/__pngtopnm__ is at __http://www.schaik.com/png/pnmtopng.html__. The version in Netpbm was actually based on that package a long time ago, and you can expect to find better exploitation of the PNG format, especially recent enhancements, in that package. It may be a little less consistent with the Netpbm project and less exploitive of recent Netpbm format enhancements, though. __jpegtran__ Does some of the same transformations as Netpbm is famous for, but does them specifically on JPEG files and does them without loss of information. By contrast, if you were to use Netpbm, you would first decompress the JPEG image to Netpbm format, then transform the image, then compress it back to JPEG format. In that recompression, you lose a little image information because JPEG is a lossy compression. __jpegtran__ comes with the Independent Jpeg Group's (http://www.ijg.org) JPEG library. Some tools to deal with EXIF files (see also Netpbm's __jpegtopnm__ and __pnmtojpeg__): To dump (interpret) an EXIF header: Exifdump ((http://topo.math.u-psud.fr/~bousch/exifdump.py) or Jhead (http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/jhead). A Python EXIF library and dumper: http://pyexif.sourceforge.net. __Other Graphics Formats__ People never seem to tire of inventing new graphics formats, often completely redundant with pre-existing ones. Netpbm cannot keep up with them. Here is a list of a few that we know Netpbm does ''not'' handle (yet). CAL (originated by US Department Of Defense, favored by architects). http://www.landfield.com/faqs/graphics/fileformats-faq/part3/section-24.html array formats dx, general, netcdf, CDF, hdf, cm CGM+ Windows Meta File (.WMF). Libwmf converts from WMF to things like Latex, PDF, PNG. Some of these can be input to Netpbm. Microsoft Word, RTF. Microsoft keeps a proprietary hold on these formats. Any software you see that can handle them is likely to cost money. !!HISTORY Netpbm has a long history, starting with Jef Poskanzer's __Pbmplus__ package in 1988. The file ''HISTORY'' in the Netpbm source code contains a historical overview as well as a detailed history release by release. !!AUTHOR __Netpbm__ is based on the __Pbmplus__ package by Jef Poskanzer, first distributed in 1988 and maintained by him until 1991. But the package contains work by countless other authors, added since Jef's original work. In fact, the name is derived from the fact that the work was contributed by people all over the world via the Internet, when such collaboration was still novel enough to merit naming the package after it. Bryan Henderson has been maintaining __Netpbm__ since 1999. In addition to packaging work by others, Bryan has also written a significant amount of new material for the package. ----
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