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MPACK !!!MPACK NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS ENVIRONMENT ---- !!NAME mpack - pack a file in MIME format !!SYNOPSIS __mpack__ [[ __-s__ ''subject'' ] [[ __-d__ ''descriptionfile'' ] [[ __-m__ ''maxsize'' ] [[ __-c__ ''content-type'' ] ''file address ...''__ mpack__ [[ __-s__ ''subject'' ] [[ __-d__ ''descriptionfile'' ] [[ __-m__ ''maxsize'' ] [[ __-c__ ''content-type'' ] __-o__ ''outputfile file''__ mpack__ [[ __-s__ ''subject'' ] [[ __-d__ ''descriptionfile'' ] [[ __-m__ ''maxsize'' ] [[ __-c__ ''content-type'' ] __-n__ ''newsgroups file'' !!DESCRIPTION The ''mpack'' program encodes the the named file in one or more MIME messages. The resulting messages are mailed to one or more recipients, written to a named file or set of files, or posted to a set of newsgroups. !!OPTIONS __-s__ ''subject'' Set the __Subject__ header field to ''Subject''. By default, __mpack__ will prompt for the contents of the subject header. __-d__ ''descriptionfile'' Include the contents of the file ''descriptionfile'' in an introductory section at the beginning of the first generated message. __-m__ ''maxsize'' Split the message (if necessary) into partial messages, each not exceeding ''maxsize'' characters. The default limit is the value of the __SPLITSIZE__ environment variable, or no limit if the environment variable does not exist. Specifying a ''maxsize'' of 0 means there is no limit to the size of the generated message. __-c__ ''content-type'' Label the included file as being of MIME type ''content-type'', which must be a subtype of __application__, __audio__, __image__, or __video__. If this switch is not given, __mpack__ examines the file to determine its type. __-o__ ''outputfile'' Write the generated message to the file ''outputfile''. If the message has to be split, the partial messages will instead be written to the files ''outputfile''.01, ''outputfile''.02, etc. __-n__ ''newsgroups'' Post the generated message(s) to the comma-separated netnews ''newsgroups''. ''file'' Encode the named ''file''. ''address ...'' Mail the generated messages to the specified addresses. !!ENVIRONMENT __TMPDIR__ Directory to store temporary files. Default is /var/tmp. __SPLITSIZE__ Default value of the -m switch. ----
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