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MONITOR !!!MONITOR NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS EXIT STATUS SEE ALSO HISTORY AUTHOR ---- !!NAME monitor - receive logging information from LPD !!SYNOPSIS __monitor__ [[ ''-u'' ] [[ ''-t'' ] [[ port ] !!DESCRIPTION The __monitor__ program is a template for a printer status monitoring program. It will open the specified TCP and/or UDP port, and then wait for accounting or other information to be sent. It prints this information on it standard output. !!OPTIONS __-u__ wait for connections on the UDP port. __-t__ wait for connections on the TCP port. __ort__ Use the specified port number. !!EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: __zero (0)__ Successful completion. __non-zero (!=0)__ An error occurred. !!SEE ALSO lpd.conf(5), lpc(8), lpd(8), checkpc(8), lpr(1), lpq(1), lprm(1), printcap(5), lpd.conf(5), pr(1). !!HISTORY LPRng is a enhanced printer spooler system with functionality similar to the Berkeley LPR software. The LPRng mailing list is lprng@lprng.com; subscribe by sending mail to lprng-request@lprng.com with the word subscribe in the body. The software is available from ftp://ftp.lprng.com/pub/LPRng. !!AUTHOR Patrick Powell ----
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