Blame: modify_ldt(2)
Annotated edit history of modify_ldt(2) version 4 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
1 perry 1 !!NAME
2 modify_ldt - get or set ldt
4 PerryLorier 4 __#include <linux/ldt.h>__
5 __#include <linux/unistd>__
6 ___syscall(int __''modify_ldt''__, int __''func''__, void *__''ptr''__, unsigned long__'' bytecount''__ )__
7 __char *modify_ldt(int __ ''func''__, void *__''ptr''__, unsigned long__ ''bytecount''__);__
1 perry 8
3 PerryLorier 10 __modify_ldt__ reads or writes the local descriptor table (ldt) for a process. The ldt is a per-process memory management table used by the i386 processor. For more
11 information on this table, see an Intel 386 processor handbook.
1 perry 12
3 PerryLorier 13 When ''func'' is 0, __modify_ldt__ reads the ldt into the memory pointed to by ''ptr''. The number of bytes read is the smaller of ''bytecount'' and the actual size of the ldt.
1 perry 14
3 PerryLorier 15 When ''func'' is 1, __modify_ldt__ modifies one ldt entry. ''ptr'' points to a ''modify_ldt_ldt_s'' structure and ''bytecount'' must equal the size of this structure.
1 perry 16
3 PerryLorier 18 On success, __modify_ldt__ returns either the actual number of bytes read (for reading) or 0 (for writing). On failure, __modify_ldt__ returns -1 and sets ''errno''.
1 perry 19 !!ERRORS
3 PerryLorier 20 ;[ENOSYS]: ''func'' is neither 0 nor 1.
21 ;[EINVAL]: ''ptr'' is 0, or ''func'' is 1 and ''bytecount'' is not equal to the size of the structure ''modify_ldt_ldt_s'', or ''func'' is 1 and the new ldt entry has illegal values.
22 ;[EFAULT]: ''ptr'' points outside the address space.
1 perry 23
3 PerryLorier 25 This call in Linux-specfic and should not be used in programs intended to be portable.
1 perry 26
28 vm86(2)
29 ----
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PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 7 times)