Annotated edit history of mmap(2) version 6, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
3 perry 1 !!NAME
5 PerryLorier 2 mmap - map or unmap files or devices into memory
3 perry 3 !!SYNOPSIS
5 PerryLorier 5 #include <unistd.h>
6 #include <sys/mman.h>
3 perry 7
5 PerryLorier 8 #ifdef _POSIX_MAPPED_FILES
3 perry 9
6 JohnMcPherson 10 __void *mmap(void *__''start'', __size_t__ ''length'', __in __ ''prot'', __int__ ''flags'', __int__ ''fd'', __off_t__ ''offset''__);__
12 __void munmap(void *__''start''__, size_t__ ''length''__);__
3 perry 13
5 PerryLorier 14 #endif
3 perry 15
5 PerryLorier 17 The mmap(2) function asks to map ''length'' bytes starting at offset ''offset'' from the file (or other object) specified by the file descriptor ''fd'' into
18 memory, preferably at address ''start''. This latter address is a hint only, and is usually specified as 0. The actual place where the object is mapped is returned by
19 __mmap__. The ''prot'' argument describes the desired memory protection (and must not conflict with the open mode of the file). It has bits
3 perry 20
5 PerryLorier 21 ;PROT_EXEC: Pages may be executed.
22 ;PROT_READ: Pages may be read.
23 ;PROT_WRITE: Pages may be written.
24 ;PROT_NONE: Pages may not be accessed.
3 perry 25
5 PerryLorier 26 The ''flags'' parameter specifies the type of the mapped object, mapping options and whether modifications made to the mapped copy of the page are private to the process or are to be shared with other references. It has bits
3 perry 27
5 PerryLorier 28 ;__MAP_FIXED__: Do not select a different address than the one specified. If the specified address cannot be used, mmap(2) will fail. If MAP_FIXED is specified, ''start'' must be a multiple of the pagesize. Use of this option is discouraged.
3 perry 29
5 PerryLorier 30 ;__MAP_SHARED__: Share this mapping with all other processes that map this object. Storing to the region is equivalent to writing to the file. The file may not actually be updated until msync(2) or munmap(2) are called.
3 perry 31
5 PerryLorier 32 ;__MAP_PRIVATE__: Create a private copy-on-write mapping. Stores to the region do not affect the original file.
3 perry 33
5 PerryLorier 34 You must specify exactly one of MAP_SHARED and MAP_PRIVATE.
3 perry 35
5 PerryLorier 36 The above three flags are described in POSIX.1b (formerly POSIX.4). Linux also knows about MAP_DENYWRITE, MAP_EXECUTABLE, MAP_NORESERVE, MAP_LOCKED, MAP_GROWSDOWN and
3 perry 37 MAP_ANON(YMOUS).
5 PerryLorier 39 ''offset'' should ordinarily be a multiple of the page size returned by getpagesize(2).
3 perry 40
5 PerryLorier 41 Memory mapped by mmap(2) is preserved across fork(2), with the same attributes.
3 perry 42
5 PerryLorier 43 The munmap(2) system call deletes the mappings for the specified address range, and causes further references to addresses within the range to generate invalid memory
44 references. The region is also automatically unmapped when the process is terminated. On the other hand, closing the file descriptor does not unmap the region.
3 perry 45
5 PerryLorier 47 On success, __mmap__ returns a pointer to the mapped area. On error, MAP_FAILED (-1) is returned, and ''errno'' is set appropriately.
3 perry 48 !!ERRORS
5 PerryLorier 49 ;[EBADF]: ''fd'' is not a valid file descriptor (and MAP_ANONYMOUS was not set).
50 ;[EACCES]: MAP_PRIVATE was requested, but ''fd'' is not open for reading. Or MAP_SHARED was requested and PROT_WRITE is set, but ''fd'' is not open in read/write (O_RDWR) mode.
51 ;[EINVAL]: We don't like ''start'' or ''length'' or ''offset''. (E.g., they are too large, or not aligned on a PAGESIZE boundary.)
52 ;[ETXTBSY]: MAP_DENYWRITE was set but the object specified by ''fd'' is open for writing.
53 ;[EAGAIN]: The file has been locked, or too much memory has been locked.
54 ;[ENOMEM]: No memory is available.
3 perry 55
5 PerryLorier 56 Use of a mapped region can result in these signals:
57 ;[SIGSEGV]: Attempted write into a region specified to mmap as read-only.
58 ;[SIGBUS]: Attempted access to a portion of the buffer that does not correspond to the file (for example, beyond the end of the file, including the case where another process has truncated the file).
6 JohnMcPherson 59
61 On [POSIX] systems on which mmap, msync and munmap are available,
62 _POSIX_MAPPED_FILES is defined in <unistd.h> to a value greater than 0.
63 (See also sysconf(3).)
3 perry 65
6 JohnMcPherson 67 SVr4, [POSIX].1b (formerly POSIX.4), 4.4BSD, SUSv2. Svr4 documents additional error codes [ENXIO] and [ENODEV]. SUSv2 documents additional error codes
3 perry 69
5 PerryLorier 71 getpagesize(2), msync(2), shm_open(2), B.O. Gallmeister, POSIX.4, O'Reilly, pp. 128-129 and 389-391.
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