Annotated edit history of lchown(2) version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 perry 1 !!NAME
2 PerryLorier 2 lchown - change ownership of a file
1 perry 3 !!SYNOPSIS
2 PerryLorier 4 #include <sys/types.h>
5 #include <unistd.h>
1 perry 6
2 PerryLorier 7 __int lchown(const char *__''path''__, uid_t__ ''owner''__, gid_t__ ''group''__);__
1 perry 8
2 PerryLorier 10 The owner of the file specified by ''path'' is changed. Only the super-user may change the owner of a file. The owner of a file may change the group of
11 the file to any group of which that owner is a member. The super-user may change the group arbitrarily.
1 perry 12
2 PerryLorier 13 If the ''owner'' or ''group'' is specified as -1, then that ID is not changed.
1 perry 14
2 PerryLorier 15 When the owner or group of an executable file are changed by a non-super-user, the S_ISUID and S_ISGID mode bits are cleared. [POSIX] does not specify whether this also should happen when root does the ''chown''; the Linux behaviour depends on the kernel version. In case of a non-group-executable file (with clear S_IXGRP bit) the
16 S_ISGID bit indicates mandatory locking, and is not cleared by a ''chown''.
1 perry 17
2 PerryLorier 19 On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and ''errno'' is set appropriately.
1 perry 20
2 PerryLorier 22 Depending on the file system, other errors can be returned. The more general errors for chown(2) are listed below:
1 perry 23
2 PerryLorier 25 ;[EPERM]: The effective UID does not match the owner of the file, and is not zero; or the ''owner'' or ''group'' were specified incorrectly.
1 perry 26
2 PerryLorier 27 ;[EROFS]: The named file resides on a read-only file system.
1 perry 28
2 PerryLorier 29 ;[EFAULT]: ''path'' points outside your accessible address space.
1 perry 30
2 PerryLorier 31 ;[ENAMETOOLONG]: ''path'' is too long.
1 perry 32
2 PerryLorier 33 ;[ENOENT]: The file does not exist.
1 perry 34
2 PerryLorier 35 ;[ENOMEM]: Insufficient kernel memory was available.
1 perry 36
2 PerryLorier 37 ;[ENOTDIR]: A component of the path prefix is not a directory.
1 perry 38
2 PerryLorier 39 ;[EACCES]: Search permission is denied on a component of the path prefix.
1 perry 40
2 PerryLorier 41 ;[ELOOP]: Too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving ''path''.
1 perry 42
2 PerryLorier 43 ;[EIO]: A low-level I/O error occurred while modifying the inode.
1 perry 44
45 !!NOTES
2 PerryLorier 46 Since Linux 2.1.81, chown(2) does follow symbolic links, and there is a new system call lchown(2) that does not follow symbolic links. Since Linux 2.1.86, this new call (that has the same semantics as the old chown(2)) has got the same syscall number, and chown(2) got the newly introduced number.
1 perry 47
2 PerryLorier 49 The __chown__ call conforms to SVr4, SVID, POSIX, X/OPEN. The 4.4BSD version can only be used by the superuser (that is, ordinary users cannot give away files). SVr4 documents [EINVAL], [EINTR], [ENOLINK] and [EMULTIHOP] returns, but no [ENOMEM]. POSIX.1 does not document [ENOMEM] or [ELOOP] error conditions.
1 perry 50
2 PerryLorier 51 The __fchown__ call conforms to 4.4BSD and SVr4. SVr4 documents additional [EINVAL], [EIO], [EINTR], and [ENOLINK] error conditions.
1 perry 52 !!RESTRICTIONS
2 PerryLorier 53 The chown(2) semantics are deliberately violated on NFS file systems which have UID mapping enabled. Additionally, the semantics of all system calls which access
54 the file contents are violated, because chown(2) may cause immediate access revocation on already open files. Client side caching may lead to a delay between the time
55 where ownership have been changed to allow access for a user and the time where the file can actually be accessed by the user on other clients.
1 perry 56
58 chmod(2), flock(2)
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