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KOI8-R !!!KOI8-R NAME DESCRIPTION NOTE SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME koi8-r - Russian Net Character Set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal !!DESCRIPTION KOI8-R is the character set of choice for encoding Russian texts for many Unix-like operation systems. KOI8-R is a successor for KOI-8, a de-facto standard for Internet Mail, News, WWW and other interactive services at least all over the ex-SU territory. KOI8-R is defined by RFC1489 (Registration of a Cyrillic Character Set). !!NOTE KOI8-R was designed for mixed Russian/English texts and covers only Russian Cyrillic characters, so if you're looking for Ukrainian, Byelorussian, etc. Cyrillic characters, try ISO-IR-111, or KOI8-U (Ukrainian Character Set), or KOI8-C (for ancient Russian texts) instead, which are identical to KOI8-R in the Russian Cyrillic letters area. A more complete set of Cyrillic characters is also defined by the ISO-8859-5 character set. __KOI8-R Characters__ The following table displays the characters in KOI8-R, which are printable and unlisted in the ascii(7) manual page. !!SEE ALSO ascii(7) iso-8859-7(7) (not yet written), RFC1489, http://koi8.pp.ru/ ----
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