Annotated edit history of ipc(2) version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 perry 1 !!NAME
2 PerryLorier 2 ipc - System V IPC system calls
1 perry 3
2 PerryLorier 5 __int ipc(unsigned int__ ''call,'' __int__ ''first,'' __int__ ''second,'' __int__ ''third,'' __void *__''ptr,'' __long__ ''fifth);''
1 perry 6
2 PerryLorier 8 ipc(2) is a common kernel entry point for the System V IPC calls for messages, semaphores, and shared memory. ''call'' determines which IPC function to invoke; the
9 other arguments are passed through to the appropriate call.
1 perry 10
2 PerryLorier 11 User programs should call the appropriate functions by their usual names. Only standard library implementors and kernel hackers need to know about ipc(2).
1 perry 12
2 PerryLorier 14 ipc(2) is Linux specific, and should not be used in programs intended to be portable.
1 perry 15
2 PerryLorier 17 msgctl(2), msgget(2), msgrcv(2), msgsnd(2), semctl(2), semget(2), semop(2), shmat(2), shmctl(2), shmdt(2), shmget(2)
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PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 5 times)