Annotated edit history of ipac version 9 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
4 JohnMcPherson 1 ipac is a package which is designed to gather, summarize and nicely
2 output the __IP ac__counting data. ipac make summaries and graphs as ascii
3 text and/or gif images with graphs.
5 ipac...
6 * is for Linux
7 * runs on top of the ipfwadm or ipchains tool
8 * needs certain kernel parts compiled in
5 CraigBox 9 * only supports ipchains based kernels (it has a big brother for iptables called ipac-ng which is close enough)
4 JohnMcPherson 10
11 Note: linux kernel 2.2 used ipchains, 2.4 uses iptables.
15 ipac consists of two scripts (shell and perl) and one C program:
6 CraigBox 17 * ipacset reads a configuration file and sets up ip accounting for the kernel using ipfwadm or ipchains
4 JohnMcPherson 18
9 CraigBox 19 * fetchipac, executed from cron once in a while, reads the current ip accounting data assembled by the kernel and writes it to a new file
4 JohnMcPherson 20
6 CraigBox 21 * ipacsum(8) summarizes the data from a set of files and, optionally, replaces these files by one. It displays the values as a simple table containing the sums, as png graph pictures or as ascii graph pictures.
4 JohnMcPherson 22
6 CraigBox 23 ----
24 !ipac rules
4 JohnMcPherson 25
6 CraigBox 26 If you're running debian, the config file format is slightly different to newer versions. You don't have ipac~in/out/fwin etc, you just have 'in' and 'out', and both in and out get called on the forward chain.
28 If you're running ipac on a machine that is a gateway between two networks, you will find that your totals are largely irrelevant because if I download 2Mb of stuff, I will get 2Mb in on the external interface and then 2Mb out on the internal interface.
8 PerryLorier 30 The easiest way around this is to simply monitor your external interface. You really don't care about internal traffic because it's all free.
6 CraigBox 31
32 Edit /etc/ipac-ng/ipac.conf and replace the +'s with 'eth1' or 'ppp0' etc.
5 CraigBox 33
34 ----
36 !Graphing ipac
6 CraigBox 38 The manual page for ipacsum(8).
40 Start with something simple like this:
7 CraigBox 42 # ipacsum --png /home/crb/public_html --png-average-curve 15 --png-index index.html \
43 --png-caption-in-index --png-width 695 -s 24h
5 CraigBox 44
45 Perhaps you'd rather use [MRTG]? See
4 JohnMcPherson 46
47 ----
48 Part of [CategoryNetworking]

PHP Warning

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