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ilbmtoppm !!!ilbmtoppm NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS BUGS REFERENCES SEE ALSO AUTHORS ---- !!NAME ilbmtoppm - convert an ILBM file into a portable pixmap !!SYNOPSIS __ilbmtoppm__ [[__-verbose__] [[__-ignore____]__ [[__-isham__|__-isehb__] [[__-adjustcolors__] [[''ILBMfile''] !!DESCRIPTION Reads an IFF ILBM file as input. Produces a portable pixmap as output. Supported ILBM types are: Normal ILBMs with 1-16 planes. Amiga Extra_Halfbrite (EHB) Amiga HAM with 3-16 planes. 24 bit. Multiplatte (normal or HAM) pictures. Color map (BMHD + CMAP chunk only, nPlanes = 0). Unofficial direct color. 1-16 planes for each color component. Chunks used: BMHD, CMAP, CAMG (only HAM Chunks ignored: GRAB, DEST, SPRT, CRNG, CCRT, CLUT, DPPV, DRNG, EPSF Other chunks (ignored but displayed in verbose mode): NAME, AUTH, (c), ANNO, DPI Unknown chunks are skipped. !!OPTIONS __-verbose__ Give some information about the ILBM file. __-ignore __ Skip a chunk. __-isham | -isehb__ Treat the input file as a HAM or Extra_Halfbrite picture, even if these flags or not set in the CAMG chunk (or if there is no CAMG chunk). __-adjustcolors__ If all colors in the CMAP have a value of less then 16, ilbmtoppm assumes a 4-bit colormap and gives a warning. With this option the colormap is scaled to 8 bits. !!BUGS The multipalette PCHG !BigLineChanges and Huffman decompression code is untested. !!REFERENCES Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual - Devices (3rd Ed.) Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-56775-X !!SEE ALSO ppm(5), ppmtoilbm(1) !!AUTHORS Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer. Modified October 1993 by Ingo Wilken (Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de) ----
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