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ifupdown !!!ifupdown NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS NOTES FILES AUTHOR SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME ifup - bring a network interface up ifdown - take a network interface down !!SYNOPSIS __ifup [[-sinv] [[--interfaces=__''file''__] [[--no-act] [[--verbose] [[-a|__''ifaces''__]__ __ifdown [[-sinv] [[--interfaces=__''file''__] [[--no-act] [[--verbose] [[-a|__''ifaces''__]__ !!DESCRIPTION The __ifup__ and __ifdown__ commands may be used to configure (or, respectively, deconfigure) network interfaces, based on descriptions of the interfaces entered into the file ''/etc/network/interfaces''. !!OPTIONS These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below. __-h, --help__ Show summary of options. __-V, --version__ Show copyright and version information. __-a, --all__ Affect all interfaces marked __auto__. __-i__ file__, --interfaces__ file Read interface definitions from a different file. __-v, --verbose__ Show commands being executed. __-n, --no-act__ Don't actually execute the commands (this doesn't disable mappings, however) __--no-mappings__ Don't run any mappings. __--force__ Force de/configuration of interface. !!NOTES The __ifup__ and __ifdown__ programs don't actually know anything about configuring interfaces themselves but instead invoke lower-level utilities such as __ifconfig__ and __route__ to do the actual dirtywork. The main advantages to using __ifup__ and __ifdown__ instead of calling the lower-level utilities directy is the ability to keep all your interface specifications in a single (easily parsable) file, and to not have to deal with the various idiosyncracies of the lower-level commands. !!FILES __/etc/network/interfaces__ Descriptions of all the network interfaces the system has. __/etc/network/ifstate__ Current state of network interfaces. !!AUTHOR The ifupdown suite written by Anthony Towns !!SEE ALSO interfaces(5), ifconfig(8), ----
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