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HOSTS.EQUIV !!!HOSTS.EQUIV NAME DESCRIPTION FILES NOTE SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME /etc/hosts.equiv - list of hosts and users that are granted r__ command access to your system !!DESCRIPTION The __hosts.equiv__ file allows or denies hosts and users to use the __r__-commands (e.g. __rlogin__, __rsh__ or __rcp__) without supplying a password. The file uses the following format: ''[[ + | - ] [[hostname] [[username]'' The ''hostname'' is the name of a host which is logically equivalent to the local host. Users logged into that hosts are allowed to access like-named user accounts on the local host without supplying a password. The ''hostname'' may be (optionally) preceded by a plus (+) sign. If the plus sign is used alone it allows any host to access your system. You can expicitly deny access to a host by preceding the ''hostname'' by a minus (-) sign. Users from that host must always supply a password. For security reasons you should always use the FQDN of the hostname and not the short hostname. The ''username'' entry grants a specific user access to all user accounts (except root) without supplying a password. That means the user is NOT restricted to like-named accounts. The ''username'' may be (optionally) preceded by a plus (+) sign. You can also explicitly deny access to a specific user by preceding the ''username'' by a minus (-) sign. This says that the user is not trusted no matter what other entries for that host exist. Netgroups can be specified by preceding the netgroup by an @ sign. Be extremely careful when using the plus (+) sign. A simple typographical error could result in a standalone plus sign. A standalone plus sign is a wildcard character that means !!FILES /etc/hosts.equiv !!NOTE Some systems will only honor the contents of this file when it has owner root and no write permission for anybody else. Some exceptionally paranoid systems even require that there be no other hard links to the file. !!SEE ALSO rhosts(5), rshd(8), rlogind(8) ----
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