Annotated edit history of hier(7) version 8, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
2 WikiAdmin 1 !!NAME
1 perry 2 hier - Description of the file system hierarchy
2 WikiAdmin 5 A typical Linux system has, among others, the following directories:
1 perry 6
3 WikiAdmin 7 ;''/'': This is the root directory. This is where the whole tree starts.
1 perry 8
3 WikiAdmin 9 ;''/bin'': This directory contains executable programs which are needed in single user mode and to bring the system up or repair it.
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3 WikiAdmin 11 ;''/boot'': Contains static files for the boot loader. This directory only holds the files which are needed during the boot process. The map installer and configuration files should go to ''/sbin'' and ''/etc''.
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3 WikiAdmin 13 ;''/dev'': Special or device files, which refer to physical devices. See mknod(1).
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3 WikiAdmin 15 ;''/dos'': If both MS-DOS and Linux are run on one computer, this is a typical place to mount a DOS file system.
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3 WikiAdmin 17 ;''/etc'': Contains configuration files which are local to the machine. Some larger software packages, like X11, can have their own subdirectories below ''/etc''. Site-wide configuration files may be placed here or in ''/usr/etc''. Nevertheless, programs should always look for these files in ''/etc'' and you may have links for these files to ''/usr/etc''.
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3 WikiAdmin 19 ;''/etc/opt'': Host-specific configuration files for add-on applications installed in ''/opt''.
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3 WikiAdmin 21 ;''/etc/sgml'': This directory contains the configuration files for SGML and XML (optional).
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3 WikiAdmin 23 ;''/etc/skel'': When a new user account is created, files from this directory are usually copied into the user's home directory.
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3 WikiAdmin 25 ;''/etc/X11'': Configuration files for the X11 window system (optional).
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3 WikiAdmin 27 ;''/home'': On machines with home directories for users, these are usually beneath this directory, directly or not. The structure of this directory depends on local administration decisions.
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3 WikiAdmin 29 ;''/lib'': This directory should hold those shared libraries that are necessary to boot the system and to run the commands in the root filesystem.
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3 WikiAdmin 31 ;''/mnt'': This directory contains mount points for temporarily mounted filesystems
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3 WikiAdmin 33 ;''/opt'': This directory should contain add-on packages that contain static files.
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3 WikiAdmin 35 ;''/proc'': This is a mount point for the ''proc'' filesystem, which provides information about running processes and the kernel. This pseudo-file system is described in more detail in proc(5).
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3 WikiAdmin 37 ;''/root'': This directory is usually the home directory for the root user (optional).
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3 WikiAdmin 39 ;''/sbin'': Like ''/bin'', this directory holds commands needed to boot the system, but which are usually not executed by normal users.
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3 WikiAdmin 41 ;''/tmp'': This directory contains temporary files which may be deleted with no notice, such as by a regular job or at system boot up.
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3 WikiAdmin 43 ;''/usr'': This directory is usually mounted from a separate partition. It should hold only sharable, read-only data, so that it can be mounted by various machines running Linux.
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3 WikiAdmin 45 ;''/usr/X11R6'': The X-Window system, version 11 release 6 (optional).
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3 WikiAdmin 47 ;''/usr/X11R6/bin'': Binaries which belong to the X-Windows system; often, there is a symbolic link from the more traditional ''/usr/bin/X11'' to here.
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3 WikiAdmin 49 ;''/usr/X11R6/lib'': Data files associated with the X-Windows system.
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3 WikiAdmin 51 ;''/usr/X11R6/lib/X11'': These contain miscellaneous files needed to run X; Often, there is a symbolic link from ''/usr/lib/X11'' to this directory.
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3 WikiAdmin 53 ;''/usr/X11R6/include/X11'': Contains include files needed for compiling programs using the X11 window system. Often, there is a symbolic link from ''/usr/inlcude/X11'' to this directory.
1 perry 54
3 WikiAdmin 55 ;''/usr/bin'': This is the primary directory for executable programs. Most programs executed by normal users which are not needed for booting or for repairing the system and which are not installed locally should be placed in this directory.
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3 WikiAdmin 57 ;''/usr/bin/X11'': is the traditional place to look for X11 executables; on Linux, it usually is a symbolic link to ''/usr/X11R6/bin''.
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3 WikiAdmin 59 ;''/usr/dict'': Replaced by ''/usr/share/dict''.
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3 WikiAdmin 61 ;''/usr/doc'': Replaced by ''/usr/share/doc''.
1 perry 62
3 WikiAdmin 63 ;''/usr/games'': Binaries for games and educational programs (optional).
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3 WikiAdmin 65 ;''/usr/include'': Include files for the C compiler.
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3 WikiAdmin 67 ;''/usr/include/X11'': Include files for the C compiler and the X-Windows system. This is usually a symbolic link to ''/usr/X11R6/include/X11.''
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3 WikiAdmin 69 ;''/usr/include/asm'': Include files which declare some assembler functions. This used to be a symbolic link to ''/usr/src/linux/include/asm''.
1 perry 70
3 WikiAdmin 71 ;''/usr/include/linux'': This contains information which may change from system release to system release and used to be a symbolic link to ''/usr/src/linux/include/linux'' to get at operating system specific information.
1 perry 72
6 WikiAdmin 73 ;:(Note that one should have include files there that work correctly with the current libc and in user space. However, Linux kernel source is not designed to be used with user programs and does not know anything about the libc you are using. It is very likely that things will break if you let ''/usr/include/asm'' and ''/usr/include/linux'' point at a random kernel tree. Debian systems don't do this and use headers from a known good kernel version, provided in the libc*-dev package.)
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3 WikiAdmin 75 ;''/usr/include/g++'': Include files to use with the GNU C++ compiler.
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3 WikiAdmin 77 ;''/usr/lib'': Object libraries, including dynamic libraries, plus some executables which usually are not invoked directly. More complicated programs may have whole subdirectories there.
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3 WikiAdmin 79 ;''/usr/lib/X11'': The usual place for data files associated with X programs, and configuration files for the X system itself. On Linux, it usually is a symbolic link to ''/usr/X11R6/lib/X11''.
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3 WikiAdmin 81 ;''/usr/lib/gcc-lib'': contains executables and include files for the GNU C compiler, gcc(1).
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3 WikiAdmin 83 ;''/usr/lib/groff'': Files for the GNU groff document formatting system.
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3 WikiAdmin 85 ;''/usr/lib/uucp'': Files for uucp(1).
1 perry 86
3 WikiAdmin 87 ;''/usr/local'': This is where programs which are local to the site typically go.
1 perry 88
3 WikiAdmin 89 ;''/usr/local/bin'': Binaries for programs local to the site.
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3 WikiAdmin 91 ;''/usr/local/doc'': Local documentation.
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3 WikiAdmin 93 ;''/usr/local/etc'': Configuration files associated with locally installed programs.
1 perry 94
3 WikiAdmin 95 ;''/usr/local/games'': Binaries for locally installed games.
1 perry 96
3 WikiAdmin 97 ;''/usr/local/lib'': Files associated with locally installed programs.
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3 WikiAdmin 99 ;''/usr/local/include'': Header files for the local C compiler.
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3 WikiAdmin 101 ;''/usr/local/info'': Info pages associated with locally installed programs.
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3 WikiAdmin 103 ;''/usr/local/man'': Man pages associated with locally installed programs.
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3 WikiAdmin 105 ;''/usr/local/sbin'': Locally installed programs for system administration.
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3 WikiAdmin 107 ;''/usr/local/share'': Local application data that can be shared among different architectures of the same OS.
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3 WikiAdmin 109 ;''/usr/local/src'': Source code for locally installed software.
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3 WikiAdmin 111 ;''/usr/man'': Replaced by ''/usr/share/man''.
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3 WikiAdmin 113 ;''/usr/sbin'': This directory contains program binaries for system administration which are not essential for the boot process, for mounting ''/usr'', or for system repair.
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3 WikiAdmin 115 ;''/usr/share'': This directory contains subdirectories with specific application data, that can be shared among different architectures of the same OS. Often one finds stuff here that used to live in ''/usr/doc'' or ''/usr/lib'' or ''/usr/man''.
1 perry 116
3 WikiAdmin 117 ;''/usr/share/dict'': Contains the word lists used by spell checkers.
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3 WikiAdmin 119 ;''/usr/share/doc'': Documentation about installed programs.
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3 WikiAdmin 121 ;''/usr/share/games'': Static data files for games in ''/usr/games''.
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3 WikiAdmin 123 ;''/usr/share/info'': Info pages go here.
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3 WikiAdmin 125 ;''/usr/share/locale'': Locale information goes here.
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3 WikiAdmin 127 ;''/usr/share/man'': Manpages go here in subdirectories according to the man page sections.
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3 WikiAdmin 129 ;''/usr/share/man/<locale>/man[[1-9]'': These directories contain manual pages for the specific locale in source code form. Systems which use a unique language and code set for all manual pages may omit the <locale> substring.
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3 WikiAdmin 131 ;''/usr/share/misc'': Miscellaneous data that can be shared among different architectures of the same OS.
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3 WikiAdmin 133 ;''/usr/share/nls'': The message catalogs for native language support go here.
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3 WikiAdmin 135 ;''/usr/share/sgml'': Files for SGML and XML.
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3 WikiAdmin 137 ;''/usr/share/terminfo'': The datebase for terminfo.
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3 WikiAdmin 139 ;''/usr/share/tmac'': Troff macros that are not distributed with groff.
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3 WikiAdmin 141 ;''/usr/share/zoneinfo'': Files for timezone information.
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6 WikiAdmin 143 ;''/usr/share/doc'':
145 ;''/usr/share/man'': Manpages go in there, into their subdirectories.
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3 WikiAdmin 147 ;''/usr/share/man/<locale>/man[[1-9]'': These directories contain manual pages which are in source code form. Systems which use a unique language and code set for all manual pages may omit the ''<locale>'' substring.
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3 WikiAdmin 149 ;''/usr/src'': Source files for different parts of the system, included with some packages for reference purposes. Don't work here with your own projects, as files below /usr should be read-only except when installing software.
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3 WikiAdmin 151 ;''/usr/src/linux'': This was the traditional place for the kernel source. Some distributions put here the source for the default kernel they ship. You should probably use another directory when building your own kernel.
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3 WikiAdmin 153 ;''/usr/tmp'': Obsolete. This should be a link to ''/var/tmp''. This link is present only for compatibility reasons and shouldn't be used.
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3 WikiAdmin 155 ;''/var'': This directory contains files which may change in size, such as spool and log files.
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3 WikiAdmin 157 ;''/var/adm'': This directory is superseded by ''/var/log'' and should be a symbolic link to ''/var/log''.
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3 WikiAdmin 159 ;''/var/backups'': Reserved for historical reasons.
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3 WikiAdmin 161 ;''/var/cache'': Data cached for programs.
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3 WikiAdmin 163 ;''/var/cache/man/cat[[1-9]'': These directories contain preformatted manual pages according to their man page section. (The use of preformatted manual pages is deprecated.)
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3 WikiAdmin 165 ;''/var/cron'': Reserved for historical reasons.
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3 WikiAdmin 167 ;''/var/lib'': Variable state information for programs.
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3 WikiAdmin 169 ;''/var/local'': Variable data for ''/usr/local''.
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3 WikiAdmin 171 ;''/var/lock'': Lock files are placed in this directory. The naming convention for device lock files is ''LCK..<device>'' where ''<device>'' is the device's name in the filesystem. The format used is that of HDU UUCP lock files, i.e. lock files contain a PID as a 10-byte ASCII decimal number, followed by a newline character.
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3 WikiAdmin 173 ;''/var/log'': Miscellaneous log files.
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3 WikiAdmin 175 ;''/var/opt'': Variable data for ''/opt''.
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3 WikiAdmin 177 ;''/var/mail'': Users' mailboxes. Replaces ''/var/spool/mail''.
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3 WikiAdmin 179 ;''/var/msgs'': Reserved for historical reasons.
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3 WikiAdmin 181 ;''/var/preserve'': Reserved for historical reasons.
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3 WikiAdmin 183 ;''/var/run'': Run-time variable files, like files holding process identifiers (PIDs) and logged user information ''(utmp)''. Files in this directory are usually cleared when the system boots.
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3 WikiAdmin 185 ;''/var/spool'': Spooled (or queued) files for various programs.
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3 WikiAdmin 187 ;''/var/spool/at'': Spooled jobs for at(1).
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5 WikiAdmin 189 ;''/var/spool/cron'': Spooled jobs for cron(8).
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3 WikiAdmin 191 ;''/var/spool/lpd'': Spooled files for printing.
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3 WikiAdmin 193 ;''/var/spool/mail'': Replaced by ''/var/mail''.
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3 WikiAdmin 195 ;''/var/spool/mqueue'': Queued outgoing mail.
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3 WikiAdmin 197 ;''/var/spool/news'': Spool directory for news.
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3 WikiAdmin 199 ;''/var/spool/rwho'': Spooled files for rwhod(8).
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3 WikiAdmin 201 ;''/var/spool/smail'': Spooled files for the smail(1) mail delivery program.
202 ;''/var/spool/news'': Spool directory for the news subsystem.
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3 WikiAdmin 204 ;''/var/spool/uucp'': Spooled files for uucp(1).
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8 WikiAdmin 206 ;''/var/tmp'': The /var/tmp directory is made available for programs that require temporary files or directories that are preserved between system reboots. Therefore, data stored in /var/tmp is more persistent than data in /tmp.
208 ;:Files and directories located in /var/tmp must not be deleted when the system is booted. Although data stored in /var/tmp is typically deleted in a site-specific manner, it is recommended that deletions occur at a less frequent interval than /tmp.
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3 WikiAdmin 210 ;''/var/yp'': Database files for NIS.
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2 WikiAdmin 212 !!CONFORMS TO
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7 WikiAdmin 214 The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, Version 2.2 <>
2 WikiAdmin 215 This list is not exhaustive; different systems may be configured differently.
1 perry 216 !!SEE ALSO
4 WikiAdmin 218 find(1), ln(1), mount(8), proc(5), The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
3 WikiAdmin 219 ----
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