Annotated edit history of gzip version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 JohnMcPherson 1 [gzip] [GNU] Zip is a file compression format which the [GNU] project invented because Unix's compression tool 'compress' was [Proprietary] software. (It used the [LZW] algorithm, which [Unisys] claimed was covered by one of their patents after the algorithm was in wide-spread use). As is often the case[1], it was better than the proprietary program which it was designed to replace.
2 CraigBox 2
3 CraigBox 3 See gzip(1), gunzip(1).
2 CraigBox 4
5 [1] fiasco (a non-proprietary reimplementation of L4, [Linux] (as opposed to [UNIX]),