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GUILE !!!GUILE NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS ENVIRONMENT FILES SEE ALSO AUTHORS ---- !!NAME guile - a Scheme interpreter !!SYNOPSIS __guile [[-q] [[-ds] [[--help] [[--version] [[--emacs] [[--debug] [[-l FILE] [[-e FUNCTION] [[] [[-c EXPR] [[-s SCRIPT] [[--]__ !!DESCRIPTION Guile is an interpreter for the Scheme programming language. It implements a superset of R4RS, providing the additional features necessary for real-world use. It is extremely simple to embed guile into a C program, calling C from Scheme and Scheme from C. Guile's design makes it very suitable for use as an The __guile__ executable itself provides a stand-alone interpreter for scheme programs, for either interactive use or executing scripts. This manpage provides only brief instruction in invoking __guile__ from the command line. Please consult the guile info documentation (type __info guile__ at a command prompt) for more information. There is also a tutorial __(info guile-tut)__ available. !!OPTIONS -l Load scheme source code from file. -e After reading script, apply FUNCTION to command-line arguments -ds do -s SCRIPT at this point (note that this argument must be used in conjuction with -s) --help Describe command line options and exit --debug Start guile with debugging evaluator and backtraces enabled (useful for debugging guile scripts) --version Display guile version and exit. --emacs Enable emacs protocol for use from within emacs (experimental) -- Stop argument processing, start guile in interactive mode. -c Stop argument processing, evaluate EXPR as a scheme expression. -s Load Scheme source from SCRIPT-FILE and execute as a script. !!ENVIRONMENT __GUILE_LOAD_PATH__ If $__GUILE_LOAD_PATH__ is set, its value is used to agument the path to search for scheme files when loading. It should be a colon separated list of directories which will be prepended to the default %load-path. !!FILES ''~/.guile'' is a guile script that is executed before any other processing occurs. For example, the following .guile activates guile's readline interface: (use-modules (ice-9 readline)) (activate-readline) !!SEE ALSO __info guile, info guile-tut__ http://www.schemers.org provides a general introduction to the Scheme language. !!AUTHORS Robert Merkel __guile__ is GNU software. Guile is originally based on Aubrey Jaffer's SCM interpreter, and is the work of many individuals. ----
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