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GROFF_MWWW !!!GROFF_MWWW ---- NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION SYNPOSIS REQUESTS SECTION HEADING LINKS LIMITATIONS OF GROHTML FILES SEE ALSO AUTHOR BUGS !!NAME groff_mwww - groff macros for authoring web pages ---- !!SYNOPSIS __groff -mwww__ [[ options ] file ... !!DESCRIPTION This manual page describes the GNU -mwww macros, which is part of the groff document formatting system. The manual page is very a basic guide, and the html device driver (__grohtml__) has been completely rewritten but still remains as in an alpha state. It has been included into the distribution so that a lot of people have a chance to test it. Note that this macro file will be automatically called (via the troffrc file) if you use -Thtml. To see the hyperlinks in action, please format this man page with the __grohtml__ device. Here is a summary of the functions found in this macro set. !!SYNPOSIS .HTMLINDEX determine automatic link cut off point for sections/headers .BODYCOLOR specify colours on a web page .BACKGROUND specify background image .URL create a url using two parameters .MAILTO create a html email address .FTP create an ftp reference .IMAGE include an image file .HTML pass an html raw request to the device driver .TAG generate an html name tag from $1 .LINE create a full width horizontal rule Output of the ''pic'', ''eqn'', ''refer'', and ''tbl'' preprocessors is acceptable as input. !!REQUESTS __HTMLINDEX__ determines the cut off point for automatic link generation to headings. By default all headings found in a troff document have links created to them at the top of the html web page. It maybe that many of the lower heading levels do not require links. Alternatively some web pages may not need any heading links at all, in which case: .HTMLINDEX 0 will tell __grohtml__ not to generate links. An HTMLINDEX of 2 will mean that a heading __1.1.1 Some Title__ will not be included in the links either as it is said to have a heading level of three. Another method for switching automatic headings is via the command line switch -P-l. __BODYCOLOR__ takes five parameters: foreground, background, active hypertext link, hypertext link not yet visited, and visited hypertext link colour. __BACKGROUND__ the only parameter to this macro is the background image file. __URL__ generates a URL using either two or three arguments. $1 is the name of the link, $2 is the actual URL, and $3 is optional stuff to be printed immediately after $2. Hyphenation is disabled while printing the actual URL; explicit breakpoints should be inserted with the __:__ escape. Here is how to encode homepage for groff: .URL If this is processed by a device other than -Thtml it appears as: homepage for groff http://groff. ffii.org. The URL macro can be of any type; for example we can reference Eric Raymond's pic guide by: .URL __MAILTO__ generates an email html reference. The first argument is mandatory as the email address. The optional second argument is the text you see in your browser, and an optional third argument is stuff printed immediately after the second argument. Hyphenation is disabled while printing the actual email address. For example, the groff maintainers are Werner Lemberg and Ted Harding. This is achieved by the following macros: .MAILTO wl@gnu.org Note that all the urls actually are treated as consuming no textual space in groff. This could be considered as a bug since it causes some problems. To circumvent this, www.tmac inserts a zero-width character which expands to a harmless space (only if run with -Thtml). __FTP__ indicates that data can be obtained via ftp. The first argument is the browser text and the second is the url. A third argument, similar to the macros above, is intended for stuff printed immediately after the second argument. The second and the third parameter are optional. Hyphenation is disabled while printing the actual URL. As an example, here the location of the current groff development distribution. The macro example above was specified by: .FTP __IMAGE__ allows the document to include pictures. The first argument is the image file. The second optional argument gives the horizontal location; __l__ puts the image to the left border, __r__ to the right. Any other value centers the image. The next two arguments are optional also: Argument three is the width in pixels (default is 400 pixels if absent). The fourth argument is the height in pixels (default is the width value if absent). __HTML__ all text after this macro is treated as raw html. If the document is processed ''without'' -Thtml then the macro is ignored. This macro is a building block for other higher level macros. For example, the BACKGROUND macro is defined as: .de BACKGROUND . HTML __TAG__ generates an html name tag from its argument. This can then be referenced using the URL macro. As you can see, you must precede the tag name with `#' since it is a local reference. This link was achieved via placing a TAG in the URL description above; the source looks like this: .TP .B URL generates .TAG URL a URL using either two or three arguments. $1 is the name of the link, $2 is the actual URL. __LINE__ generates a full width horizontal rule. Example: .LINE __LINKS__ requests that grohtml place the automatically generated links at this position. For example: NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION SYNPOSIS REQUESTS SECTION HEADING LINKS LIMITATIONS OF GROHTML FILES SEE ALSO AUTHOR BUGS !!SECTION HEADING LINKS By default __grohtml__ generates links to all section headings and places these at the top of the html document. (See LINKS for details of how to switch this off or alter the position. !!LIMITATIONS OF GROHTML Tbl information is currently rendered as a png image. !!FILES /usr/share/groff/1.17.2/tmac/mwww.tmac (a wrapper for www.tmac) /usr/share/groff/1.17.2/tmac/www.tmac !!SEE ALSO groff(1), troff(1) grohtml(1), !!AUTHOR __Grohtml__ was written by Gaius Mulley !!BUGS Report bugs to the Groff Bug Mailing List. Include a complete, self-contained example that will allow the bug to be reproduced, and say which version of groff you are using. ----
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