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gqview !!!gqview NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS USAGE LICENSE BUGS AUTHOR ---- !!NAME GQview - GTK based multiformat image viewer !!SYNOPSIS __gqview__ [[''options''] [[''path''] !!DESCRIPTION __GQview__ is an interactive GTK based image viewer that supports multiple image formats, zooming, panning, thumbnails and sorting images into collections. !!OPTIONS __+t,+tools__ Force the toolbox to be shown. __-t,-tools__ Force the toolbox to be hidden. __-f,--fullscreen__ Start in full screen mode. __-s,--slideshow__ Start in slideshow mode. __-l,--list__ Open collection window for command line files. __--debug__ Turn on debugging output. __-v,--version__ Print version. __-h,--help__ Print command line options. !!USAGE Key naming is similar to that of emacs(1): ''C-key'' indicates that control should be held, and key should be pressed; ''S-key'' indicates that shift should be held and key should be pressed; these two can be combined, also, into ''C-S-key''. __left-mouse-click__ (on image) next image __middle-mouse-click__ (on image) previous image __right-mouse__ context menu __middle-mouse-drag__ drag and drop operations __mouse-wheel__ (on image) Changes to the next or previous image, or if option is enabled, scrolls the image vertically. __mouse-wheel+Shift-key__ (on image) Inverts the mouse wheel behavior between scrolling image or changing image. __mouse-wheel+Control-key__ (on image) Zooms the image in and out. __GENERAL KEYS__ __!PageDown__ next image __!PageUp__ previous image __Home__ first image in list __End__ last image in list __Tab__ tab completion in path entry window __Escape__ cancel completion in path entry window or stop generating thumbnails __IMAGE KEYS__ Keys that are valid when the image part of the window is focused. __Arrows__ pan image __Shift+Arrows__ pan image faster __Space__ next image __Backspace,B__ previous image __FILE RELATED KEYS__ __C__ new empty collection __O__ open collection __D__ open the Find Duplicates window __C-N__ new directory __C-C__ copy file __C-M__ move file __C-R__ rename file __C-D,Delete__ delete file __C-Q,Q__ quit __EDIT MENU RELATED KEYS__ __C-1..8__ run external editor __C-A__ select all files __C-S-A__ unselect all files __C-O__ go to the Configuration window __C-T__ maintain thumbnails __C-W__ set current image as wallpaper __]__ rotate image clockwise __[[__ rotate image counterclockwise __S-R__ rotate image 180 degrees __S-M__ mirror image (horizontal) __S-F__ flip image (verticle) __VIEW MENU RELATED KEYS__ __+,=__ zoom in __-__ zoom out __Z,!KeyPad-/__ zoom to original size __X,!KeyPad-*__ zoom to fit window __1,2,3,4__ zoom in to X scale factor __T__ toggle thumbnail display __R__ refresh file list __F__ toggle floating of file selection area __H__ toggle hiding of file selection area __V__ toggle full-screen mode __S__ toggle slide-show mode __P__ toggle pause of slideshow __COLLECTION WINDOW KEYS__ __Arrows__ move selection __Shift+Arrows__ select multiple images __Control+Arrows__ move selector without changing selection __Space__ select the image under the selector __Control+Space__ toggle selection of the image under the selector __Home__ move selector to the top image __End__ move selector to bottom image Adding Shift or Control to Home and End has a similar effect as adding them to the arrows. __C-A__ select all images __C-S-A__ unselect all images __Delete__ remove image form collection (does not delete the file) __C-L__ add images to collection form main file list __N__ sort collection by name __D__ sort collection by date __B__ sort collection by file size __P__ sort collection by pathname __I__ sort collection by name numerically (*) __Enter__ view image under selector in the main image window __V__ view image under selector in new window __C-1..8__ open selected image(s) in external editor __S__ save collection __C-S__ save collection as __A__ append current collection to existing collection __C-C__ copy selected files __C-M__ move selected files __C-R__ rename selected files __C-D__ delete selected files __C-W__ close window __DUPLICATES WINDOW KEYS__ __C-A__ select all images __C-S-A__ unselect all images __C-L__ add images from main window file list __C__ add selected images to new collection __Delete__ remove selected images from list __C-Delete__ clear window __Enter__ view image with focus in main window __V__ view image with focus in new window __C-1..8__ open selected image(s) in editor __C-C__ copy selected files __C-M__ move selected files __C-R__ rename selected files __C-D__ delete selected files __C-W__ close window !!LICENSE Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 by John Ellis. Use this software at your own risk! This software released under the GNU General Public License. Please read the COPYING file for more information. !!BUGS Please send bug reports and feedback to gqview@users.sourceforge.net or the author, below. !!AUTHOR __John Ellis__ __ Manpage originally prepared by __Nick Rusnov__ __ ----
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