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GNOME !!!GNOME NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION ---- !!NAME Gnome - manual page for Gnome !GnomeHelp 1.2.3 !!SYNOPSIS __gnome-help-browser__ [[''OPTION''...] !!DESCRIPTION Gnome Object Activation Directory __--activate-goad-server__=''GOAD_ID'' (Internal use only) GOAD server ID to activate __--goad-fd__=''GOAD_FD'' (Internal use only) GOAD file descriptor GNOME Options __--disable-sound__ Disable sound server usage __--enable-sound__ Enable sound server usage __--espeaker__=''HOSTNAME'':PORT Host:port on which the sound server to use is running __--version__ Help options -?, __--help__ Show this help message __--usage__ Display brief usage message GTK options __--gdk-debug__=''FLAGS'' Gdk debugging flags to set __--gdk-no-debug__=''FLAGS'' Gdk debugging flags to unset __--display__=''DISPLAY'' X display to use __--sync__ Make X calls synchronous __--no-xshm__ Don't use X shared memory extension __--name__=''NAME'' Program name as used by the window manager __--class__=''CLASS'' Program class as used by the window manager __--gxid_host__=''HOST'' __--gxid_port__=''PORT'' __--xim-preedit__=''STYLE'' __--xim-status__=''STYLE'' __--gtk-debug__=''FLAGS'' Gtk+ debugging flags to set __--gtk-no-debug__=''FLAGS'' Gtk+ debugging flags to unset __--g-fatal-warnings__ Make all warnings fatal __--gtk-module__=''MODULE'' Load an additional Gtk module GNOME GUI options __--disable-crash-dialog__ Session management options __--sm-client-id__=''ID'' Specify session management ID __--sm-config-prefix__=''PREFIX'' Specify prefix of saved configuration __--sm-disable__ Disable connection to session manager !GnomeHelp options __-x__=''X'' X position of window __-y__=''Y'' Y position of window __-w__=''WIDTH'' Width of window __-h__=''HEIGHT'' Height of window __-d__, __--debug__=''ARG'' Debug level ----
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