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GNOME-DOC !!!GNOME-DOC NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS FORMAT OF COMMENTS AUTHOR ---- !!NAME gnome-doc - Documentation tool for GNOME !!SYNOPSIS __gnome-doc__ [[ __-docbook | -html | -text | -man__ ] [[ __-function funcname [[ -function funcname ...]__ ] [[ __c files__ ] !!DESCRIPTION __gnome-doc__ This will read a 'c' file and scan for embedded comments in the style of gnome comments (+minor extensions - see below). All output goes to stdout, with errors to stderr. !!OPTIONS __-docbook -html -text -man__ Set output format using one of -docbook -html -text or -man. Default is man. __-function__ If set, then only generate documentation for the given function(s). All other functions are ignored. __c files__ list of 'c' files to process !!FORMAT OF COMMENTS In the following table, (...)? signifies optional structure. (...)* signifies 0 or more structure elements. /** * function_name(:)? (- short description)? * @parameterx: (description of parameter x)?)* (* a blank line)? * (Description:)? (Description of function)? * (section header: (section description)? )* (*)?*/ So .. the trivial example would be: /** * my_function **/ If the Description: header tag is omitted, then there must be a blank line after the last parameter specification. e.g. /** * my_function - does my stuff * @my_arg: its mine damnit * * Does my stuff explained. */ or, could also use: /** * my_function - does my stuff * @my_arg: its mine damnit * Description: Does my stuff explained. */ etc. All descriptions can be multiline, apart from the short function description. All descriptive text is further processed, scanning for the following special patterns, which are highlighted appropriately. funcname() - function $ENVVAR - environmental variable struct_name - name of a structure @parameter - name of a parameter %CONST - name of a constant. !!AUTHOR This manual page was written by Christian Marillat ----
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