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FUNZIP !!!FUNZIP NAME SYNOPSIS ARGUMENTS DESCRIPTION EXAMPLES BUGS SEE ALSO URL AUTHOR ---- !!NAME funzip - filter for extracting from a ZIP archive in a pipe !!SYNOPSIS __funzip__ [[__-password__] [[''input[[.zip|.gz]''] !!ARGUMENTS [[''-password''] Optional password to be used if ZIP archive is encrypted. Decryption may not be supported at some sites. See DESCRIPTION for more details. [[''input[[.zip|.gz]''] Optional input archive file specification. See DESCRIPTION for details. !!DESCRIPTION ''funzip'' without a file argument acts as a filter; that is, it assumes that a ZIP archive (or a ''gzip'''d(1) file) is being piped into standard input, and it extracts the first member from the archive to stdout. When stdin comes from a tty device, ''funzip'' assumes that this cannot be a stream of (binary) compressed data and shows a short help text, instead. If there is a file argument, then input is read from the specified file instead of from stdin. A password for encrypted zip files can be specified on the command line (preceding the file name, if any) by prefixing the password with a dash. Note that this constitutes a security risk on many systems; currently running processes are often visible via simple commands (e.g., ps(1) under Unix), and command-line histories can be read. If the first entry of the zip file is encrypted and no password is specified on the command line, then the user is prompted for a password and the password is not echoed on the console. Given the limitation on single-member extraction, ''funzip'' is most useful in conjunction with a secondary archiver program such as tar(1). The following section includes an example illustrating this usage in the case of disk backups to tape. !!EXAMPLES To use ''funzip'' to extract the first member file of the archive test.zip and to pipe it into more(1): funzip test.zip | more To use ''funzip'' to test the first member file of test.zip (any errors will be reported on standard error): funzip test.zip To use ''zip'' and ''funzip'' in place of compress(1) and zcat(1) (or ''gzip''(1L) and ''gzcat''(1L)) for tape backups: tar cf - . | zip -7 | dd of=/dev/nrst0 obs=8k dd if=/dev/nrst0 ibs=8k | funzip | tar xf - (where, for example, nrst0 is a SCSI tape drive). !!BUGS When piping an encrypted file into ''more'' and allowing ''funzip'' to prompt for password, the terminal may sometimes be reset to a non-echo mode. This is apparently due to a race condition between the two programs; ''funzip'' changes the terminal mode to non-echo before ''more'' reads its state, and ''more'' then ``restores'' the terminal to this mode before exiting. To recover, run ''funzip'' on the same file but redirect to /dev/null rather than piping into more; after prompting again for the password, ''funzip'' will reset the terminal properly. There is presently no way to extract any member but the first from a ZIP archive. This would be useful in the case where a ZIP archive is included within another archive. In the case where the first member is a directory, ''funzip'' simply creates the directory and exits. The functionality of ''funzip'' should be incorporated into ''unzip'' itself (future release). !!SEE ALSO ''gzip''(1L), ''unzip''(1L), ''unzipsfx''(1L), ''zip''(1L), ''zipcloak''(1L), ''zipinfo''(1L), ''zipnote''(1L), ''zipsplit''(1L) !!URL The Info-ZIP home page is currently at http://www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/ or ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/ . !!AUTHOR Mark Adler (Info-ZIP) ----
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