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fontimport !!!fontimport NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION SEE ALSO AUTHOR ---- !!NAME fontimport - import fonts into the teTeX directory structure !!SYNOPSIS __fontimport [[-d] [[-f] [[-s] [[-t] [[-m MF-mode] path ...__ !!DESCRIPTION ''fontimport'' imports TFM and PK font files into appropriate places in the teTeX directory tree and revises teTeX's filename database accordingly. Each __path__ may be a font file or a directory, either absolute or relative to the current directory. All subdirectories of a given directory are searched for font files. Don't specify directory names that are symbolic links, however, since (at least some versions of) find(1) won't dereference them. A font's destination is determined by variables in the file texmf.cnf. By default, ''fontimport'' will issue a warning to __stderr__ instead of overwriting an existing font file. The ''-f'' flag forces overwriting. ''fontimport'' can cope with font names conforming the 8.3-namescheme, too, so you can import fonts from either a TDS-compliant or MSDOS installation. emTeX's font libraries are not supported. If you want to import fonts from a font library, you need to unpack it with emTeX's fontlib utility first. The full pathname of each font successfully imported is echoed to stdout. When ''fontimport'' can not parse a font's name, it will import the font using a path element of ''stderr.__ ''fontimport'' tries to guess the mode of PK files. With the ''-m'' flag you may specify a fallback mode to be used if the mode can't be guessed. Options: __-m__ ''MF-MODE'' default Metafont mode for PK files if autodetection fails __-d__ delete font files after copying (i.e., move them) __-f__ force overwrite existing fonts __-s__ do not use other destinations than the system's main texmf tree __-t__ test mode: just echo each font's destination (if any); don't move or copy !!SEE ALSO allec(1), allneeded(1), fontexport(1), __Fontname: Filenames for TeX Fonts (http://tug.org/fontname).__ !!AUTHOR Thomas Esser (te@informatik.uni-hannover.de) ----
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