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fiascotopnm !!!fiascotopnm NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS EXAMPLES FILES ENVIRONMENT SEE ALSO AUTHOR ---- !!NAME fiascotopnm - Convert compressed FIASCO image to PGM, or PPM !!SYNOPSIS __fiascotopnm__ [[''option'']... [[''filename'']... !!DESCRIPTION __fiascotopnm__ decompresses the named FIASCO files, or the Standard Input if no file is named, and writes the images as PGM, or PPM files, depending on whether the FIASCO im- age is black and white or color. !!OPTIONS All option names may be abbreviated; for example, --output may be written --outp or --ou. For all options an one let- ter short option is provided. Mandatory or optional argu- ments to long options are mandatory or optional for short options, too. Both short and long options are case sensi- tive. __-o__[[''name''], __--output=__[[''name''] Write decompressed image to the file ''name''.ppm (if PPM) or ''name''.pgm (if PGM). If ''name''=- then produce the image file on the standard output. The optional argument ''name'' can be omitted, then the input file- name is used as basename with the suffix .ppm or .pgm. In case of video streams, the frames are stored in the files ''name''.__N__.ppm where __N__ is the frame number (of the form 00..0 - 99..9); output on the standard output is not possible with video streams. If ''name'' is a relative path and the environment variable __FIASCO_IMAGES__ is a (colon-separated) list of directories, then the output file(s) are written to the first (writable) directory of this list. Otherwise, the current directory is used to store the output file(s). __-z__, __--fast__ Decompress images in the 4:2:0 format; i.e., each chroma channel is decompressed to an image of halved width and height. Use this option on slow machines when the desired frame rate is not achieved; the output quality is only slightly de- creased. __-d__, __--double__ Double the size of the X11 window both in width and height; no pixel interpolation is used, each pixel is just replaced by four identical pixels. __-p__, __--panel__ Show a panel with play, stop, pause, record and ex- it buttons to control the display of videos. When pressing the record button, all frames are decom- pressed and stored in memory. The other buttons work in the usual way. __-m__ ''N'', __--magnify=__''N'' Set magnification of the decompressed image. Posi- tive values enlarge and negative values reduce the image width and height by a factor of 2^|''N''|. __-s__ ''N'', __--smooth=__''N'' Smooth decompressed image(s) along the partitioning borders by the given amount ''N''. ''N'' is 1 (minimum) to 100 (maximum); default is 70. When ''N''=0, then the smoothing amount specified in the FIASCO file is used (defined by the FIASCO coder). __-F__ ''N'', __--fps=__''N'' Set number of frames per second to ''N''. When using this option, the frame rate specified in the FIASCO file is overridden. __-v__, __--version__ Print __fiascotopnm__ version number, then exit. __-f__ ''name'', __--config=__''name'' Load parameter file ''name'' to initialize the options of __fiascotopnm__. See file __system.fiascorc__ for an example of the syntax. Options of __fiascotopnm__ are set by any of the following methods (in the speci- fied order): 1) Global ressource file __/etc/system.fiascorc__ 2) $HOME__/.fiascorc__ 3) command line 4) --config=''name'' __-h__, __--info__ Print brief help, then exit. __-H__, __--help__ Print detailed help, then exit. !!EXAMPLES fiascotopnm foo.wfa Decompress the FIASCO file fiascotopnm -o foo1.wfa foo2.wfa Decompress the FIASCO files fiascotopnm -oimage foo1.wfa Decompress the FIASCO file fiascotopnm --fast --magnify=-1 --double video.wfa Decompress the FIASCO file !!FILES __/etc/system.fiascorc__ The systemwide initialization file. $HOME__/.fiascorc__ The personal initialization file. !!ENVIRONMENT __FIASCO_IMAGES__ Save path for image files. Default is __FIASCO_DATA__ Search path for FIASCO files. Default is !!SEE ALSO pnmtofiasco(1), pnm(5) Ullrich Hafner, Juergen Albert, Stefan Frank, and Michael Unger. __Weighted Finite Automata for Video Compression__, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas In Communications, January 1998 Ullrich Hafner. __Low Bit-Rate Image and Video Coding with Weighted Finite Automata__, Ph.D. thesis, Mensch __ !!AUTHOR Ullrich Hafner ----
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