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DSP56K !!!DSP56K NAME SYNOPSIS CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FILES AUTHORS SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME dsp56k - DSP56001 interface device !!SYNOPSIS #include ssize_t read (int__ ''fd''__, void *__ ''data''__, size_t__ ''length''__); ssize_t write (int__ ''fd''__, void *__ ''data''__, size_t__ ''length''__); int ioctl (int__ ''fd''__, DSP56K_UPLOAD, struct dsp56k_upload *__''program''__); int ioctl (int__ ''fd''__, DSP56K_SET_TX_WSIZE, int__ ''wsize''__); int ioctl (int__ ''fd''__, DSP56K_SET_RX_WSIZE, int__ ''wsize''__); int ioctl (int__ ''fd''__, DSP56K_HOST_FLAGS, struct dsp56k_host_flags *__''flags''__); int ioctl (int__ ''fd''__, DSP56K_HOST_CMD, int__ ''cmd''__); __ !!CONFIGURATION The dsp56k device is a character device with major number 55 and minor number 0. !!DESCRIPTION The Motorola DSP56001 is a fully programmable 24-bit digital signal processor found in Atari Falcon030-compatible computers. The __dsp56k__ special file is used to control the DSP56001, and to send and receive data using the bi-directional handshaked host port. To send a data stream to the signal processor, use write() to the device, and read() to receive processed data. The data can be sent or received in 8, 16, 24, or 32-bit quantities on the host side, but will always be seen as 24-bit quantities in the DSP56001. The following ioctl(2) calls are used to control the __dsp56k__ device: __DSP56K_UPLOAD__ resets the DSP56001 and uploads a program. The third ioctl() argument must be a pointer to a __struct dsp56k_binary__ with members __bin__ pointing to a DSP56001 binary program, and __len__ set to the length of the program, counted in 24-bit words. __DSP56K_SET_TX_WSIZE__ sets the transmit word size. Allowed values are in the range 1 to 4, and is the number of bytes that will be sent at a time to the DSP56001. These data quantities will either be padded with zero bytes, or truncated to fit the native 24-bit data format of the DSP56001. __DSP56K_SET_RX_WSIZE__ sets the receive word size. Allowed values are in the range 1 to 4, and is the number of bytes that will be received at a time from the DSP56001. These data quantities will either truncated, or padded with a zero byte to fit the native 24-bit data format of the DSP56001. __DSP56K_HOST_FLAGS__ read and write the host flags. The host flags are four general-purpose bits that can be read by both the hosting computer and the DSP56001. Bits 0 and 1 can be written by the host, and bits 2 and 3 can be written by the DSP56001. To access the host flags, the third ioctl() argument must be a pointer to a __struct dsp56k_host_flags__. If bit 0 or 1 is set in the __dir__ member, the corresponding bit in __out__ will be written to the host flags. The state of all host flags will be returned in the lower four bits of the __status__ member. __DSP56K_HOST_CMD__ sends a host command. Allowed values are in the range 0 to 31, and is a user-defined command handled by the program running in the DSP56001. !!FILES /dev/dsp56k !!AUTHORS Fredrik Noring !!SEE ALSO linux/include/asm-m68k/dsp56k.h, linux/drivers/char/dsp56k.c, http://dsp56k.nocrew.org/, DSP56000/DSP56001 Digital Signal Processor User's Manual ----
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